United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service

Welcome to the Agricultural Research Service, one of the world's premiere scientific organizations.

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Spotlights header image
 Lettuce. Link to story.

Antimicrobials vs. food pathogens
New avenues to control foodborne pathogens

 Native switchgrass field. Link to story.

Native grasses improve soil most
Switchgrass has higher glomalin levels

 Links to ARS in the news

Colony collapse disorder
Frequently asked questions about the disappearance of honey bees.

 Tangelo Tecoma. Link to story.

Bright new shrubs
Three new Tecomas for the landscape

   Scientist talks to college students  

Come work with us
Career paths from agronomy to zoology.

 Link to Science for Kids story.

Science for Kids
A Peck of Pretty Peppers

Last Modified: 09/19/2008