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 Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Program  
 Blue Springs Unit, Arizona

 Lower Colorado Regional Office

Navajo Hopi Indian Reservation, Arizona

Yuma Area Office

General Description

The Blue Springs Unit area is located on the Little Colorado River within the Navajo Hopi Indian Reservation in north-central Arizona.  The springs flow at an average of 160,000 af/yr, with an average salinity of 2,500 mg/L and a total salt load of about 550,000 tons per year.

The lower portion of the Little Colorado River flows through a meandering canyon which is about a mile wide and a half-mile deep.  The walls of this rugged gorge are a series of nearly vertical cliffs of massive limestone and sandstone separated by steep slopes or benches of shale, siltstone, or thinbedded sandstone.  The bottom can be reached near Blue Springs only by a rugged foot trail from the rim or by helicopter.  The springs originate from groundwater which moves into the area from the east and south and emerges as springflow where the canyon has penetrated the Redwall and Mauve limestones below the regional water table.  There are many spring openings along two relatively well defined reaches.

A full-scale feasibility study of the project is not planned due to the high capital cost of building the project and environmental problems resulting from the significant historical and religious value of the area to the Hopi Indians.


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