[Federal Register: August 29, 2001 (Volume 66, Number 168)]
[Rules and Regulations]               
[Page 45597-45598]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 71

[Airspace Docket No. 01-ANM-05]

Revision of Class E Airspace, Sidney, MT

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: This action revises the Class E airspace at Sidney, MT. Newly 
developed Area Navigation (RNAV) Standard Instrument Approach Procedure 
(SIAP) at the Sidney-Richland Municipal Airport made this action 
necessary. Additional Class E 1,200 feet controlled airspace, above the 
surface of the earth is required to contain aircraft executing the RNAV 
(Global Positioning System (GPS)) RWY 1 and RNAV (GPS) RWY 19 at 
Sidney-Richland Municipal Airport.

EFFECTIVE DATE: 0901 UTC, November 1, 2001.

Aviation Administration, Docket No. 01-ANM-05, 1601 Lind Avenue SW., 
Renton, Washington, 98055-4056: telephone number: (425) 227-2527.



    On June 15, 2001, the FAA proposed to amend Title 14 Code of 
Federal Regulations, part 71 (14 CFR part 71) by revising Class E 
airspace at Sidney, MT, in order to accommodate new RNAV SIAPs at 
Sidney-Richland Municipal Airport, Sidney, MT (66 FR 32593). This 
action provides Class E5 airspace at Sidney, MT, to meet current 
criteria standards associated with the SIAP. Interested parties were 
invited to participate in the rulemaking proceeding by submitting 
written comments on the proposal. A comment was received from the FAA, 
AVN-500, National Aeronautical Charting Office. A revision to the legal 
description, as written in the Notice for Proposed Rule Making (NPRM), 
was required to amend a small discrepancy in the airport coordinates. 
This is considered an insignificant modification to the airspace 
description as the corrections did not change the dimension of the 
proposed airspace action described in the NPRM.

The Rule

    This amendment to Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations, part 71 (14 
CFR part 71) revises Class E airspace at Sidney, MT, in order to 
accommodate new RNAV (GPS) SIAPs to the Sidney-Richland Municipal 
Airport, Sidney, MT. This amendment revises Class E5 airspace at 
Sidney, MT, to meet current criteria standards associated with the RNAV 
and SIAP. The FAA establishes Class E airspace where necessary to 
contain aircraft transitioning between the terminal and en route 
environments. This rule is designed to provide for the safe and 
efficient use of the navigable airspace and to promote safe flight 
operations under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) at the Sidney-Richland 
Municipal Airport and between the terminal and en route transition 
    The area will be depicted on aeronautical charts for pilot 
reference. The coordinates for this airspace docket are based on North 
American Datum 83. Class E airspace areas extending upward from 700 
feet or more above the surface of the earth, are published in Paragraph 
6005, of FAA Order 7400.9H dated September 1, 2000, and effective 
September 16, 2000, which is incorporated by reference in 14 CFR 71.1. 
The Class E airspace designation listed in this document will be 
published subsequently in the Order.
    The FAA has determined that this regulation only involves an 
established body of technical regulations for which frequent and 
routine amendments are necessary to keep them operationally current. 
It, therefore, (1) is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under 
Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a ``significant rule'' under DOT 
Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034; February 26, 1979); 
and (3) does not warrant preparation of a Regulatory Evaluation as the 
anticipated impact is so minimal. Since this is a routine matter that 
will only affect air traffic procedures and air navigation, it is 
certified that this rule, will not have a significant economic impact 
on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria of the 
Regulatory Flexibility Act.

[[Page 45598]]

List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71

    Airspace, Incorporation by reference, Navigation (air).

Adoption of the Amendment

    In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation 
Administration amends 14 CFR part 71 as follows:


    1. The authority citation for 14 CFR part 71 continues to read as 

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40103, 40113, 40120; E.O. 10854, 24 
FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959-1963 Comp., p. 389.

Sec. 71.1  [Amended]

    2. The incorporation by reference in 14 CFR 71.1 of the Federal 
Aviation Administration Order 7400.9H, Airspace Designations and 
Reporting Points, dated September 1, 2000, and effective September 16, 
2000, is amended as follows:

Paragraph 6005  Class E airspace areas extending upward from 700 
feet or more above the surface of the earth.

* * * * *

ANM MT E5 Sidney, MT [Revised]

Sidney-Richland Municipal Airport, MT.
    (Lat. 47 deg.42'25" N., long. 104 deg.11'33" W.)
Sidney NDB
    (Lat. 47 deg.42'41" N., long. 104 deg.10'54" W.)

    That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface 
within the 7.9-mile radius of the Sidney-Richland Municipal Airport, 
and within 8.3 miles east and 4 miles west of the 356 deg. bearing 
from the Sidney NDB extending from the NDB to 16.1 miles north of 
the NDB, and within 8.3 miles southeast and 4 miles northwest of the 
215 deg. bearing from the Sidney NDB extending from the NDB to 16.1 
miles southwest of the NDB; and that airspace extending upward from 
1,200 feet above the surface bounded by a line beginning at lat. 
47 deg.20'00"N., long. 104 deg.08'32"W; to lat. 47 deg.37'10"N., 
long. 104 deg.48'00" W.; to lat 47 deg.45'34"N., long 
104 deg.38'28"W.; to lat 47 deg.52'00"N., long 105 deg.00'00"W.; to 
lat 48 deg.03'00"N., long 105 deg.00'00"W.; to lat 47 deg.53'30"N., 
long 104 deg.29'40"W.; to lat. 48 deg.10'00"N., long. 
104 deg.12'00"W.; to lat 47 deg.46'10"N., long 103 deg.38'23"W., to 
the point of origin; and excluding that airspace within Federal 
airways; the Poplar, MT, and Glasgow, MT, Class E airspace areas.
* * * * *

    Issued in Seattle, Washington, on August 15, 2001.
Daniel A. Boyle,
Assistant Manager, Air Traffic Division, Northwest Mountain Region.
[FR Doc. 01-21823 Filed 8-28-01; 8:45 am]