U.S. Department of Labor Employment & Training Administration
John F. Kennedy Federal Building
Room E-350
Boston, MA 02203




DATE:            April 25, 2006                      


EFFECT:       ACTION                     INFO                           WITH ATTACHMENT

                        [X]                           [X] SWA's                               [x]

                        [X]                           [X] UI Directors                      [X]


SUBJECT:   Region I - Unemployment Insurance Interstate Benefits/Combined Wage Claim Meeting - June 1-2, 2006

1.  Purpose:  To announce a two day meeting of Region I State Workforce Agency (SWA) Interstate Benefit (IB) and Combined Wage Claim (CWC) program staff.  This meeting will be held on Thursday, June 1, 2006 and Friday, June 2, 2006 in Boston, Massachusetts.  The meeting is intended for Interstate Program Coordinators, Liable IB Managers, CWC Managers, Interstate Connection (ICON) Programmers, UCFE/UCX program coordinators and managers.  


2.  Background:  The Interstate and CWC programs are good examples of how partnership arrangements can work.  The success of state activities in these areas is dependent upon activities in other states; thus, it is important to share information and foster improvements in both programs by way of ongoing communications and annual Region I meetings.


Our last regional meeting was held in April 2005 in Atlantic City, New Jersey.  The meeting was very productive and meeting attendees'  evaluations of the meeting were very positive.  We intend to build on that meeting, as well as the National Interstate Meeting held in September 2005.  Affiliated Computer Services, our IB support contractor, and Federal staff will also be represented.  All state agency participants should be prepared to discuss changes, problem areas, and improvements made to both the IB and CWC processing in their respective states.  Attached is a tentative agenda which may be adjusted pending feedback from IB/CWC program staff who will be attending this meeting.


3.  Conference Plans:  The IB meeting will be held in the John F. Kennedy Federal Building, Conference Room E-275-B, Government Center, Boston, Massachusetts.  It will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 1 and conclude at approximately 1:00 p.m. on Friday, June 2, 2006.  Dress is business casual.


Arrangements have been made for a block of hotel rooms at the Langham Hotel, 250 Franklin Street, Boston, Massachusetts.  The hotel telephone number is:

(617) 451-1900.  Room rates are $165, plus all applicable taxes.  Please reference the "United States Department of Labor" when making reservations.  Hotel valet parking is available at a rate of $39 per day.  Parking directly across the street from the hotel is available at a rate of $32 per day.  The entrance to the Garage at Post Office Square, Zero Post Office Square is located directly across from Langham Hotel's Restaurant Julien.


The URL for hotel's website is www.langhamhotels.com/langham/boston.  Travelers are responsible for their own reservations.  Please note that the cut-off date for reservations is May 10, 2006.  Reservations made after that date will be on a space available basis and are subject to regular room rates.  Travelers are also advised to inquire about the hotels' cancellation policy.  The JFK Federal Building is within walking distance of the hotel and is directly across the street from historic Faneuil Hall.  


4.  Action Required:  State Workforce Agency Administrators are requested to please:

a.      Distribute this Issuance to appropriate staff, and

b.      Submit comments on the agenda and names of attendees to Jim Laham at (617)788-0132 or laham.james@dol.gov no later than May 10, 2006.


5. Inquiries:  Inquiries should be directed to Mr. Laham at the above contact information.



William L. Carlson, Ph.D.
Regional Administrator





REGION I - Boston

Thursday, (June 1, 2006)

10:00 a.m.       Welcome and Introductions                                       USDOL


10:30 a.m.       State Presentation(s)                                                            

·         SID - IB Committee Update                                                        Ruth Hobbs - NH

·         New Initiatives                                                                             All States

·         ICON/IBIQ                                                                                   All States

·         Wage Transfers/Billings/Reimbursements                         All States

·         Special Circumstances/Other                                                  All States


11:45 a.m.       Lunch (on own)


12:45 p.m.       National/Regional Office Updates                            TBD


1:30 p.m.         IB Committee Update                                                Deb Showalter - MA


2:00 p.m.         Affiliated Computer Services Update                       Amanda Gohl -  ACS

·         SIDS; ICON; IB-4; IB-5; IB-6, etc. 

·        NY Reimbursement Experience                              Lorraine Balli/Kathy Gervais - NY


3:00 p.m.         Break


3:15 p.m.         UCFE/UCX Update                                                    TBD


4:00 p.m.         Performance Discussion                                            All States/Feds


5:00 p.m.         Adjourn


Friday (June 2, 2006)


9:00 a.m.         State Round-Robin (issues/concerns)


10:15 a.m.       Break


10:30 a.m.       State Round-Robin (continued)


11:30 a.m.       Next Steps/Wrap-up


12:00 p.m.       Adjourn

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