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Demonstration Programs

Intentionally Created Surplus

The Bureau of Reclamation has signed an agreement with the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California for a demonstration program that will help determine if creating "surplus" water in Lake Mead can be used as a long-term water management tool on the lower Colorado River. The demonstration program will allow Metropolitan to leave water in Lake Mead in 2006 and 2007 that the district would otherwise use. This water - called "Intentionally Created Surplus" or "ICS" water - is defined as water that has been conserved through an extraordinary conservation measure, such as land fallowing.

The links below offer more information about this activity:

Reclamation and the Imperial Irrigation District have also entered into an agreement for a similar demonstration program:

System Conservation

Reclamation has also implemented a demonstration program to help determine whether voluntary system conservation through the use of land fallowing could be used as an interim and supplemental measure to reduce water supply impacts that would otherwise occur in Colorado River reservoirs.

Reclamation plans to continue the Demonstration Program for System Conservation (Demonstration System Conservation Program) through December 31, 2010. This policy will become effective
January 1,2009, and will extend the Policy that became effective on May 26, 2006, that will end on December 31, 2008.

For more information about these programs, contact Margot Selig at mselig@lc.usbr.gov or at 702-293-8192.

Webmaster: Colleen Dwyer, cdwyer@lc.usbr.gov
Updated: September 2008