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Peconic River Project

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Peconic River and Sewage Treatment Plant

The Record of Decision for the Peconic River project, titled "Final Operable Unit V Record of Decision for Area of Concern 30 (Peconic River)," has been approved.  Attachments to this document include Appendix A, Appendix B, and Appendix C which consists of Table C-1, Table C-2, and Table C-3.

The Action Memorandum: Peconic River Removal Action for Sediment outside BNL Property is available for public review, as is the Notice of Availability.

The Proposed Remedial Action Plan (PRAP), titled Proposed Plan for Operable Unit V: Peconic River, and the Feasibility Study Addendum (several figures are in a separate document) are available for review.  A fact sheet summarizing the PRAP is also available.

The Action Memorandum: Peconic River Removal Action for Sediment on BNL Property is available for public review, as is the Notice of Availability.

The Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis and Action Memorandum: Peconic River Removal Action for Sediment on BNL Property is available in pdf and html formats.  Associated documents include a fact sheet and a Notice of Availability.  The public comment period for this document was from September 22 to October 21, 2003.

New reports:
- Peconic River Habitat Assessment and Fish Biomass Prediction 
- Estimation of Potential Water Levels in the Peconic River near Brookhaven National Laboratory Based on a Review of Hydrologic Data 

The Baseline Human Health Risk Assessment, Operable Unit V, Peconic River is available for public review, as is the Notice of Availability (published April 30, 2003) for the document. 

The phytoremediation study, Determination of Phytoextraction and Harvesting Efficiency of Several Dominant Emergent Wetland Plants -- Contaminated Sediment in the Peconic River, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York is available.

Recent Fact Sheets (all PDF):
Brookhaven's Peconic River On-Site Cleanup (9/03)
Sewage Treatment Plant cleanup (5/02)
Roadmap to Peconic River Cleanup (1/02)

Technology Fact Sheets (all PDF):
Electrochemical Remediation (6/01)
Phytoextraction (6/01)
Phytostabilization (6/01)
Sediment Removal: High-Capacity Vacuum/Guzzler Recovery (6/01)
Wetlands Restoration/Constructed Wetlands (6/01)

Other documents that may be of interest:

A summary of the Peconic River Roundtables is available here.

Operable Unit V: Remedial Investigation and Risk Assessment of the Eastern Area of the Laboratory (5/98)

Operable Unit V: About the Peconic River (10/99) - PDF format also available

Operable Unit V: Peconic River Cleanup (2/00) - PDF format also available

Sewage Treatment Plant Record of Decision
Record of Decision
  figure 1
  figure 2
  figure 3
  figure 4
  figure 5
  figure 6
  figure 7
Notice of Availability


Last update on: February 22, 2008.