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Stage 2 Microbial/Disinfection Byproducts
Federal Advisory Committee

1.0 Introduction

Pursuant to requirements under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is developing interrelated regulations to control microbial pathogens and disinfectants/disinfection byproducts (D/DBPs) in drinking water. These rules are collectively known as the microbial/disinfection byproducts (M/DBP) rules.

The SDWA of 1996, requires EPA to develop rules to balance the risks between microbial pathogens and disinfection byproducts (DBPs). The Stage 1 DBPR and the IESWTR, announced in December 1998, are the first of set of rules under the 1996 SDWA Amendments. The amendments also require that EPA publish the Stage 2 DBPR. During the negotiations for the Stage 1 DBPR and the IESWTR, the Regulatory Negotiation Committee recognized the need for more information to assess the potential health problems created by the presence of DBPs and pathogens in drinking water. Thus, in 1996 EPA promulgated the Information Collection Rule (ICR) under which EPA collected pathogen and DBP occurrence data and other information for use in developing microbial and DBP regulations. EPA is now using the ICR data to develop the Stage 2 DBPR and LT2ESWTR.

In March 1999, the Agency initiated the M/DBP Advisory Committee meetings . This Committee will meet monthly through June 2000. The Committee consists of 21 members (see below) representing , State and local public health and regulatory agencies, local elected officials, drinking water suppliers, chemical and equipment manufactures, and public interest groups. The task of the Committee is to discuss, evaluate and provide advice on data, analysis and approaches to be included in these rules. Technical support for the committee's discussions is provided by a Technical Working Group (TWG) which is conducting focused analyses on the regulatory impact of these regulation. The Committee's objective is to reach consensus on the elements to be contained in the Stage 2 DBPR and LT2ESWTR.

Michael A. Dimitriou, International Ozone Association
Cynthia C. Dougherty, US Environmental Protection Agency
Dave Esparza, All Indian Pueblo Council
Cathy Falvo, New York Medical College
Peggy Nilsson Geimer, MD, Chlorine Chemistry Council
Jeffrey K. Griffiths, National Association of People with AIDS
Richard Haberman, CA Dept. of Health Services- DW Field Operations Branch
Barker Hamill, Association of State Drinking Water Administrators
Christine Hoover, Office of Consumer Advocates, PA
Rosemary Menard, Water Resource Management Group
Richard Moser, American Water Works Services Company
Erik D. Olson, Natural Resources Defense Council
David Ozonoff, School of Public Health Boston University
David Paris, American Water Works Association
Brian L. Ramaley, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies
Charles R. Reading Jr., Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association
Rodney Tart, National Rural Water Association
Mayor Bruce Tobey, National League of Cities
Chris J. Wiant, National Association of City and County Health Officials; National Environmental Health Association
John Williams, , National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners
Marguerite Young, Clean Water Action

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