Market Quality and Handling Research Site Logo
Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture

Market Quality and Handling Research Unit

Dr. Timothy Sanders, Research Leader

United States Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service
South Atlantic Area

Box 7624, 236 Schaub Hall
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7624

Phone (919) 515-6312 (919) 856-4493
FAX (919) 513-8023



    The multi-task mission of this Unit includes enhancement of flavor and shelf-life of domestic and export peanuts and peanut products by developing improved methods in production, handling, and roast processing; qualitative and quantitative determination of peanut components which contribute to nutrition and health of consumers; evaluation and use of genetic resources to improve market quality factors; and provide a safer food supply to consumers by developing accurate methods to detect and remove mycotoxin contaminated commodities from the food and feed systems and reduce the economic risk to farmers, handlers, and manufacturers. The Unit conducts research on high priority issues to assist the peanut and grain industries in producing the highest quality products possible.

Last Modified: 01/07/2009