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SOS Program Replication Study 2007
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Middle Schools: Click Here to take survey or download the Word doc Summary Form

High Schools: Click Here to take survey or download the Word doc Summary Form

SMH Suicide Prevention Programs Across the Lifecycle.

SOS Signs of Suicide®

Register Now! Register online for the SOS Program, or download the registration form (PDF).

SOS Signs of Suicide® prevention programs for high schools and the SOS Middle School Program.

SOS Signs of Suicide® programs are depression awareness and suicide prevention programs that can be implemented in one or more classroom periods by existing school staff. The SOS programs can also be used in alternative settings serving youth such as: social clubs, after school programs, and juvenile justice systems.

The main teaching tool of the SOS programs is a video that teaches youth how to identify symptoms of depression and suicidality in themselves or their friends, and to respond effectively by seeking help from a trusted adult. A Discussion Guide accompanies each video and includes topics for classroom discussion.

The programs’ primary objectives are to educate youth that depression is a treatable illness and to equip them to respond to a potential suicide in a friend or family member using the SOS technique. SOS is an action-oriented approach instructing students how to ACT (Acknowledge, Care and Tell) in the face of a mental health emergency. The SOS programs also provide education materials for youth, parents, and school staff.

SOS Large Scale Implementation ( - 1mb) for state-wide implementation with Garrett Lee Smith or other funding.