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USAID/Caucasus Regional
Mission Director: Robert Wilson

USAID/Azerbaijan Country
Coordinator: Scott Taylor

Department of State
Washington, DC 20521-7050
Tel: 994-12-980335
Fax: 994-12-906670


Azerbaijan is an important U.S. ally due to its strategic geopolitical location, its role as a transport corridor between East and West, and its expanding importance as a source of oil and gas. Despite the country’s growing oil wealth, about one third of its people live below the poverty line. Used responsibly, Azerbaijan’s oil revenues can reduce poverty and improve the lives of all citizens. The U.S. is committed to helping Azerbaijan make the best use of its energy resources. The U.S. is also interested in assisting this predominately Muslim nation strengthen its secular democracy. In support of this aim, the USAID program in Azerbaijan focuses on economic growth, democratic governance, and health.

Azerbaijan in Action

U.S. Ambassador Anne Derse and USAID's Yamashita pour first liters of milk to Chakhyrly's new milk storage tank.Community Builds First Local Milk Collection Facility

Soaring summer temperatures could not keep a crowd from participating in a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Nur Sud Milk Collection Point in Chakhyrly (Masally district), Azerbaijan on June 26, 2008... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Lerik residents were directly involved in rehabilitating their local road.Road Rehab Makes Economic Growth Accessible for Remote Communities

Over 3,400 residents in Lerik, a remote mountainous district in southeastern Azerbaijan, and neighboring communities depend on a poorly maintained primary road... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Infrastructure

Children and Family Support Center staff shares Amid's dream of a caring family and helps him to gain new educational and play skills. 'I wish I lived in a family like normal children. I do not want to wait for months for someone to visit me.' Amid“No-Family Boy” Finds Home

Amid’s teary face and trembling voice told a heartbreaking story to USAID-supported Children and Family Support Center (CFSC) staff. During educational activities at the Center, Amid began disclosing his history... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Social Programs

Ambassador Derse (front, center) and USAID's Yamashita (front, third from left) join Tazakand community leaders and guests to celebrate the inauguration of the villages new irrigation system which now supplies water to 20 hectares of orchards.Irrigation Upgrades to Expand Crops, Family Income

For over 15 years, farmers and villagers in Tazakand (located in Azerbaijan’s Astara district) suffered from the lack of a reliable water supply... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Infrastructure

USAID-supported Shuvelan Children and Family Support Center's programs have made of world of difference to Ilaha, giving her the social and health care support necessary to allow her to now design her own future. She has grown from a withdrawn child to a happy, healthy, self- confident girl.Social, Medical Care Helps Ilaha See the Best in Herself

As a result of her family’s inability to afford adequate prenatal care for her mother, Ilaha lost the use of her left eye three months after her birth... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

USAID LogoAzerbaijan Strengthens Response to Avian Influenza

On July 1-2, 2008, USAID hosted a National Integrated Desktop Simulation Exercise Seminar for Avian Influenza (AI) to enhance Azerbaijan’s preparedness and capacity to face AI outbreaks in animal and human populations... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

U.S. Senior Circuit Judge John M. Walker was the keynote speaker at a USAID-sponsored seminar for prosecutors and legal advocates in Baku on July 10.Continuing Education Advances Rule of Law in Azerbaijan

With the support of USAID and the U.S. Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), the American Bar Association Central European and Eurasian Law Initiative (ABA CEELI) held a Continuing Legal Education seminar... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Rule of Law

These two law students were among the 50 who graduated from USAID's Street Law Program in June 2008. More than 2,000 schoolchildren in six Azerbaijan cities have benefited from the program since its inception in 2004.Law Students Teach Schoolchildren About Rights

In mid-June 2008, fifty law students who had led weekly classes for third- through tenth-graders in six cities throughout Azerbaijan graduated from USAID’s Street Law Program... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

At-risk youth perform at a school in Lagich through a program developed by Elnur Kalantarov, Chief of Press Relations with Azerbaijan's Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and USAID Community Connections alumnus.Exchange Helps Azerbaijan Official Translate Passion into Action

Elnur Kalantarov, Chief of Press Relations at Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, has long advocated for social integration of at-risk youth and adults with special needs... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Social Programs

USAID LogoMilestone Survey Reveals Azerbaijan’s Health Gains, Challenges

Azerbaijan’s State Statistical Committee presented findings from its first-ever Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) at a national conference in Baku on June 24, 2008... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

More than 100 locals and officials celebrated the completion of the Tazakand’s third project implemented with support from USAID’s Community Development ActivityIrrigation Rehab to Expand Fruit Crops in Southern Azerbaijan

In June 2008, USAID hosted the inauguration of a newly-completed irrigation system rehabilitation project in Tazakand, Astara. More than 100 people, including residents from two neighboring communities... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Infrastructure

USAID supports programming, such as this workshop facilitated by expert Wayne Visser on April 30, 2008, to foster local corporate social investment as a means of contributing to Azerbaijan's long-term social and economic development.Social Investment Benefits Business, Accelerates Development

With USAID support, the Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF), in collaboration with the Azerbaijan Export & Investment Promotion Foundation (AZPROMO), organized two Corporate Social Investment Program events... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

USAID/Azerbaijan economist, Dr. Paul Davis (right) poses with newly awarded Certified Accounting Practitioners.USAID Transitions CIPA Program to Local Partners

On June 5, 2008, USAID’s Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Support through Financial Sector Development Project held a certificate award ceremony and transition presentation as part of its continued support of the Certified International Professional Accountant (CIPA) Program in Azerbaijan... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

USAID LogoJournalists Become Reproductive Health Advocates in Azerbaijan

In May 2008, the USAID-funded ACQUIRE Project, in collaboration with Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Health (MOH), conducted a two-day seminar for journalists on reproductive health... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

Youth-led grantmaking committees are responsible for disbursing Youth Fund grants to worthy projects in 11 targeted regions of Azerbaijan.Youth Fund Program to Expand to New Regions

The Azerbaijan Youth Fund Program will expand to six new regions of the country—Bilasuvar, Davachi, Zagatala, Barda, and Mengachevir city—thanks to increased assistance for the Eurasia Partnership Foundation from the Foreign Commonwealth Officer of the United Kingdom... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

At a USAID-funded Street Law Program mock trial in Lenkoran, southern Azerbaijan a student prosecutor questions a witness as judges, defense advocates, the jury, and media representatives listen. The mock trial marked the end of a year-long ABA/CEELI online forum with schoolchildren throughout Azerbaijan.Street Law Students Acquit Mock Trial Defendant

On their last day of school in late May 2008, fifty-five schoolchildren participated in a mock jury trial, held by the American Bar Association Central European and Eurasian Law Initiative (ABA/CEELI) with USAID support in Lenkoran... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

CC Alumna Malahat Tagiyeva and Ilkin Rahimov, Deputy Head of the Lenkaran Executive Committee, present sport contest winners with prizes provided by the local government.Youth Sports Multiply through Azerbaijani Community Connections Participant

During her time in the U.S. on a USAID-supported Community Connections Youth and Amateur Sports and Interest-based Associations exchange, Malahat Tagiyeva learned how government agencies, NGOs, and businesses support youth through sports and other activities... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Social Programs

Participants in the USAID-sponsored 'Regulatory Food Inspections to Ensure Safe Food' training observed seafood processing procedures at the Caspian Fish Company in Baku, Azerbaijan.U.S. Supports Food Safety Initiatives in Azerbaijan

Food safety inspections play an important role in protecting public health, particularly in the developing world where outbreaks of food-borne illnesses claim more than two million lives each year... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

The five-day course for health service providers combines clinical theory with hand-on, skills-based training according to WHO guidelines.USAID, Ministry of Health Collaborate to Improve Family Planning

Since 2004, the USAID’s ACQUIRE Reproductive Health and Family Planning Project has worked in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MOH) to increase the availability, quality, use, and sustainability of reproductive health and family planning services in Azerbaijan... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

The five-day 'Introduction to Evidence-Based Medicine' workshop in Baku brought together health officials and specialists from various institutions. Developing a basis for evidence-based medicine and the introduction of clinical treatment protocols is a key step in improving primary healthcare in Azerbaijan.Azerbaijan’s Health Specialists, Officials Embrace Evidence-Based Medicine

“In the second part of the 20th century, medical science began to use clinical trials to define whether or not treatment methods were working... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

A group session at the Mingechevir Children and Family Support Center helps Mahmud, and other children with delays, develop motor skills.Community-Based Services Strengthen Azerbaijan's Vulnerable Families

Aygun and Tofig are the parents of two girls, Zarifa and Rugiya, and a son, Mahmud, who has cerebral palsy. Due to his condition, three-year-old Mahmud’s physical and speech development were equivalent to that of a one-year-old... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

Teens learn essential life skills through interactive group sessions which will help them avoid common pitfalls and dangers.Teen Training Teaches Fundamentals for Success

Javid and Javad Allahverdiyev are brothers living in a government institution in Shuvelan, an urban area of Azerbaijan. Separated from their alcoholic father when the boys were young and unable to support them on her own... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

A third-grade ABA CEELI Street Law Program graduate from School #177 in Baku, Azerbaijan proudly displays with his diploma as U.S. Ambassador Anne Derse looks on.Street Law Grads “Youngest Experts on What is Right”

On May 7, 2008, the American Bar Association Central European and Eurasian Law Initiative (ABA CEELI) held a graduation ceremony in for third-grade participants in the Street Law Program at School #177 in Baku, Azerbaijan... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

Community Development Council Leaders and CHF Representatives came together to celebrate successful collaborationsNorthwest Azerbaijan Leaders Awarded for Community Action

On April 2, 2008 in Gakh, USAID’s Community Development Activity (CDA) hosted an awards ceremony for CDA program participants in northwest Azerbaijan... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

A volleyball match was the first athletic event to take place in Hajihuseynli's newly-rehabilitated school gymSchool Gym Rehabilitation Project Energizes Community

The community of Hajihuseynli, Guba in northeast Azerbaijan, celebrated the opening of its new school gymnasium in January 2008. USAID partners CHF International and UMID HSSC handed the facility over to the community... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Infrastructure

U.S. Ambassador Anne Derse and Azerbiajan's Minister of Economic Development Heydar Babayev discuss the importance of consumer rights protectionAzerbaijan Looks To Expand Consumer Protections

The USAID Trade and Investment Reform Support Program (TIRSP) and the Government of Azerbaijan jointly held the “Protection of Consumer Rights: Realities, Perspectives” Conference on March 18, 2008 in Azerbaijan... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Rule of Law

Over 20 amateur and professional photographers took part in the contest, capturing the beauty of Armenia's waters on filmPhoto Exhibition Draws Attention to South Caucasus Water Issues

The “Water Without Borders” photo contest, held in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, was recently organized by the USAID South Caucasus Water Program and Eurasia Partnership Foundation to draw public attention to transboundary water issues... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Environment

The Health Communication workshop provided the employees of Azerbaijan's Ministry of Health with basic skills in health communicationHealth Workers Strengthen Educational Communication Skills

“The most important thing I learned during this workshop was a step-by-step approach for developing communication strategies,” said Zaur Ibrahimov at the closing session of the USAID-sponsored “Basics of Health Communication” workshop... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

USAID's Taylor provided an overview of the Agency's efforts to increase economic growth and to strengthen Azerbaijan's policy enabling environmentAzerbaijan Rural Enterprise Program Holds Promise of Sustainability

USAID’s Rural Enterprise Competitiveness (RECP) team presented its final results at a reception hosted by the Pragma Corporation on April 7, 2008. USAID Country Coordinator for Azerbaijan Scott Taylor led the presentation... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Representatives of leading national and multi-national companies and organizations share viewpoints of Garadagh Cement's Corporate Social Responsibility programAdvancing Corporate Social Investment in Azerbaijan

On March 5, 2008, representatives of eleven leading national and multi-national companies and organizations—including AMCHAM, AMFA, Ata Holding, Bank of Baku, Nar Mobile, PRP, Star GSM, StatoilHydro and Zygon Caspian Consulting... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Social Programs

Community Connections alumnus Ilyas Safarli provides hands-on business training for youth in Sheki- Youth Business Initiative training in ShekiExchange Experience Helps NGO Strengthen Youth Programs

Young people in Sheki, Azerbaijan can access business opportunities through a youth entrepreneurship initiative run by Uluchay Charitable Society, a local nongovernmental organization (NGO)... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

Biomonitoring provides people with 'the possibility to get the real picture of river pollution,' said workshop participant Dr. Susanna Hakobyan, a senior research fellow at Armenia’s Institute of Hydroecology and Ichthyology of the National Academy of SciencesHarmonizing Water Quality Monitoring in the South Caucasus

The USAID South Caucasus Water Program is facilitating the harmonization of water-quantity and water-quality monitoring capabilities among Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Environment

Professor Arnold Harberger asserts that 'investing in economic education is important to economic growth.'Creating Opportunities for Business Educators in Azerbaijan

Through USAID’s School Economics Education (SEE) Program, the Lead Teacher Conference brought together 100 economics teachers, USAID representatives, Chief USAID Economic Advisor and Nobel Laureate Arnold Harberger... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

Through Child and Family Support Centers activities, USAID creates opportunity for children with special needs. Twelve–year–old Narmin never before had access to basic education and now happily learns with the help of Center Staff.Narmin’s Story – Rejoining Society through Center’s Support

Imagine being a 12-year-old girl with special needs, no siblings, and two parents with problems of their own – one with mental health issues and the other with serious back problems... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

The Media Rights Institute presented the results of its semi-annual reportUSAID Project to Monitor Defamation Cases

With the support of USAID and its principal implementing partner, the Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF), Media Rights Institute (MRI)—a subgrantee organization—recently completed the “Monitoring of the Legal Cases on Defamation” project... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

USAID-funded Children and Family Support Centers open up a whole new world to families with children with special needs. Rasul and Sheker finally are able to interact with both peers and adults during therapy classes at the Center.Center Expands One Family’s World

Public opinion often determines people’s choices. That was the case for Ulduz Khanim, an Azerbaijani mother of four children living in Goranboy, Azerbaijan... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Social Programs

USAID Assistant Administrator Menarchik (center) and Scott Taylor (center right) spoke with media during the first round table produced by the Agency's Parliamentary Program.USAID’s Parliamentary Program Links Members of Parliament

The development of active and dynamic relationships between constituencies and elected representatives is critical to the enhancement of civil society and democratic institutions in any country... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

USAID Trade and Investment Reform Support program expert Richard Burcroff made a presentation on key policy implications at the Food Security seminarUSAID, Azerbaijan Officials Partner on Food Security Concerns

The escalating cost of wheat imports in 2007—a year of international shortages—has reignited official attention to food security in Azerbaijan... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Financial Markets

Senior officials from the Ministry of Economic Development visited their Kazakh counterparts to learn from their economic management experienceAzerbaijan, Kazakhstan Share Economic Management Experience

In October 2007, USAID’s Public Investment Policy (PIP) Project facilitated an educational study tour for a group of six high-level officials from Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Economic Development (MOED) to Astana, Kazakhstan... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Democracy

(From left) Jhale Hajiyeva, AMFA Executive Director, William Tucker, SEEP Executive Director, and Ms. Laura Meissner, SEEP Senior Program Associate are all smiles at the 2007 SEEP Network of the Year Award Presentation ceremony in Washington, DCInformal Microfinance Group Becomes “Network of the Year”

The Azerbaijan Micro-finance Association (AMFA) was born in December 2001, following the the country’s first microfinance conference... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Financial Markets

Community health festivals A father and his son enjoy the Melhem Shamakhi's final Community Health Festival of 2007Village Health Festivals Celebrate and Educate in Azerbaijan

Winter is fast approaching in the mountain village of Melhem, Azerbaijan. Fall rains have turned the unpaved villages to mud... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

The speakers made comments on the program's tangible results, significance of collaboration of all stakeholders, and the importance for the economic development of the country.Successful Rural Business Development Project Draws to Close

On October 31, 2007, USAID hosted a reception in Baku to mark the culmination of its Azerbaijan Business Assistance (ABAD) program, which focused on supporting the growth of rural economic development in targeted regions of Azerbaijan... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Workers at the 'Optimal' cannery in Lenkoran, southern economic corridor. The increase in supply of raw materials results in prolonging the seasonal operational period for canneries.ABAD Facilitates Stable Supply Chain Linkages through its Work with Canneries

USAID’s Azerbaijan Business Assistance and Development (ABAD) program has worked with a number of canneries throughout Azerbaijan to improve the efficiency of the supply chain... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Teenagers collect water samples from the Alazani River, and make inferences about the water quality based on the catch of the dayRiver Basin Serves as Classroom for Environmental Education

Until this summer, high school students in the town of Belokan, Azerbaijan on the country’s border with Georgia, never knew that spending a bright summer day on the river can be not only fun, but also a scientific experience... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Environment

Kubra Aliyeva, a USAID Community Connections Handicraft Production and Marketing exchange participant, exhibits Azerbaijani carpet in Kansas CityCommunity Connections Alumna Opens Trade School in Baku

Kubra Aliyeva, an entrepreneur and arts scholar, opened a vocational school and architecture, design and handicrafts business in Baku, Azerbaijan after returning home from a USAID Community Connections Handicraft Production and Marketing Exchange trip... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Labor Markets

A series of seminars brought together the trainers from USAID Parliamentary Program in Azerbaijan and Milli Mejlis Office together with MPs’ Assistants. In the center: Petro Morgos, Parliamentary Program Chief of Party.USAID Initiates First Workshop for Azerbaijan’s Parliamentary Aides

On September 20, 2007, the first of a series of training-seminars for the newly employed assistants of members of Milli Mejlis was conducted in the Republic of Azerbaijan Milli Mejlis’ deputies building... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

A still shot from the USAID-funded ACQUIRE Azerbaijan Project television ad campaign, 'Pregnancy Planning - Choose the Right Time!'Planning Healthy Pregnancies for a Healthy Future in Azerbaijan

In September 2007, USAID and the Azerbaijani Ministry of Health took an important step forward in helping to ensure the health and prosperity of all families in Azerbaijan by launching a national media campaign... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

Since 2005, USAID's School Economic Education program has provided 23 students with professional experience at local and international businessesAzerbaijani Students Gain Real-World Business Experience

Each year, the USAID-supported School Economic Education (SEE) program’s most successful students intern with Junior Achievement (JA) partner companies... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

Heads of US European Command, CHF, and the Sheki Education Department concluded the event with a presentation of a poster that recorded the progress of the project and red ribbon cutting ceremonyUSAID, DOD Renovate Primary School in Azerbaijan

On September 18, 2007, Kish Community in Sheki held the opening ceremony of a primary school renovated with financial assistance provided by USAID’s Community Development Activity and the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) European Command... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

USAID's projects facilitated trainings on database development for party activistsUSAID Helps Political Parties Create Websites and Databases

Throughout June 2007, 30 representatives from five of Azerbaijan’s main political parties created eight websites after completing a USAID-supported web design course conducted at the IATP center in Baku... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

USAID's Alternative Inflation Methodology Development project presented the results and engaged the participants in a focused discussion of the implications of the trends revealed by the studyUSAID-Supported Seminar Heightens Awareness of Inflation Issues

As part of USAID’s Alternative Inflation Methodology Development project, the Economic Research Center (ERC)—a respected Azeri economic think-tank—held a widely publicized seminar on August 16, 2007... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Financial Markets

With the financial support of USAID, six Azerbaijani financial sector accountants have qualified for a Certified Accounting Practitioner (CAP) CertificateAzerbaijani Financial-Sector Accountants to Earn Certification

Azerbaijan’s financial sector suffers from an acute shortage of qualified accountants. A survey conducted in 2006 found a single certified accountant in the Azerbaijani banking industry... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

USAID's School Economic Education program alumni team members Azer Ismayilov and Irina Lesnyak won first placeAzerbaijani Team Wins International Business Competition

The USAID School Economic Education program’s (SEE) alumni team (from the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy) became world champions at the 12th Annual Hewlett Packard Global Business Challenge... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

Badraddin (center, kneeling) admires his new queen cell frame, constructed with assistance from USAID's Farmer-to-Farmer projectTraining Helps Beekeeper Succeed, Plan to Breed

Beekeeping in Azerbaijan dates back to historic times. Despite long years of involvement in this particular area of agriculture, modern-day beekeeping is beset by obstacles that slow the development of this potential sector... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Allahverdi learns through one-on-one training to improve his basic academic skillsUSAID Program Helps Azeri Families Stay Together

In Azerbaijan, the causes of institutionalization are wider and more complex than a family’s financial state. Here, institutionalization nearly always follows a crisis situation which causes parents to realize they are unable to handle their child’s disability... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

The workshop brought together government policymakers and public health experts to create a vision for primary health care in AzerbaijanWorkshop to Drive Progress on Azerbaijan’s Health Care Reform

A recently held workshop, Concepts and Possible Directions for Primary Health Care Development in Azerbaijan, must drive progress on heath care reform, according to experts from the World Bank Health Sector Reform Project (HSRP)... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

Azerbaijani women select community members to represent their communitiesAzerbaijani Women’s Participation Exceeds Expectations

Increased efforts to ensure women’s engagement in community activities are credited with the recent turnout for Community Development Council (CDC) elections in the Davudoba community, Guba district, in northern Azerbaijan... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Rajab Orujov, a representative of the Sugar Production Union, talked with farmers about proper sugar beet cultivationAdditional Support to Strengthen Supply Chain Linkages

On July 12 the USAID-supported Azerbaijan Business Assistance and Development Program (ABAD) organized another Proper Sugar Beet Cultivation workshop, as part of continuing collaboration with the Azerbaijan Sugar Production Union... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

IMC hopes to complete Bash Zayzid ambulatory clinic construction by the end of this summer so that local residents may access quality health care starting in SeptemberPilot Community OKs Health Reforms

“We are happy that Sheki, in northwestern Azerbaijan, was selected as a pilot district for health care reform,” said Zarina Javadova, Deputy Chief of the District Executive Committee and Head of the District Coordination Group... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

Dr. Faig Mamedzadeh makes a strong case for effective education as a means to prevent avian influenzaAid, Communication Key to Avian Influenza Prevention Success

Communication is critical to global avian influenza prevention, according to Dr. Faig Mamedzadeh, Deputy Director for the Republican Anti-Plague Station... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

Mir-Kazim Kazimov, Parliamentary Deputy, addressed his constituency in Jalilabad at the community's first-ever public town hall meeting with a parliamentary representativeFirst Parliamentarian Town Hall Meeting Gets Resounding Approval

In the first meeting of its kind in Jalilabad, community members recently had a chance to voice their concerns about development priorities to their parliamentary representative in an open and public town hall gathering... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Young Uchgun residents Idris Zeynalov, 14, and Leyla Ibrahimova, 7, enjoy learning new games with their neighborsRight to Play Program is a Fun First Step in Engaging Youth

Over the past two months, through USAID, CHF Azerbaijan has partnered with the Canadian organization Right to Play (RTP) to implement three trainings in the regions of Khacmaz, Qax and Zaqatala, in northern Azerbaijan... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Social Programs

Economic experts and World Bank representative discuss oil revenues and institutional reformsUS Supports Roundtable on Oil Revenues and Institutional Reforms

With the support from USAID, Eurasia Foundation (EF) and the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation concluded their final one-day roundtable entitled “Oil Revenues and Institutional Reforms” on July 12 in Baku... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Institutional Reform

Emmanuel Lopez-Dee from the Economic Reform Research Institute of the Ministry of Economic Development conducted the trainingUSAID Supports Workshop Sessions on Cost-Benefit Analysis

The USAID Public Investment Policy (PIP) Project conducted four half-day interactive, practical training sessions on cost-benefit analysis in Azerbaijan. The workshops were aimed to deepen understanding of the principles... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

Piral municipality citizens and officials participate in a public budget hearingMunicipal Official Learns the Value of Transparent Government

Few people enjoy paying taxes, particularly if they don’t know where their money is going. Like many municipalities in Azerbaijan, municipal councilors in Piral had little experience in sharing official information, such as budget plans, with local citizens... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Use of internationally recognized ratings would increase access to commercial capital needed to grow small and medium enterprises, a critical component of Azerbaijan's sustained economic growthUSAID Aims to Increase Transparency, Access to Capital in Azerbaijan

Use of internationally recognized ratings would increase access to commercial capital needed to grow small and medium enterprises, a critical component of Azerbaijan’s sustained economic growth... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Financial Markets

Before stepping into their roles as prosecutors, lawyers and witnesses in a mock trial exercise, schoolchildren review and discuss materials related to the hypothetical caseUSAID Online Street Law Program Graduates

In mid June, the USAID-funded ABA Online Street Law Program held a mock trial and graduation ceremony for 64 schoolchildren from Ganja and for 32 students from Mingachavir, both in central Azerbaijan... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

A group of senior government officials visited Turkey's central agencies to learn from their economic management experienceGovernment of Azerbaijan Interested in Turkish Experience

USAID’s Public Investment Policy project, in close collaboration with World Learning Incorporation and support from Turkish International Cooperation Agency, brought a delegation of 16 practitioners... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

An Azeri woman and her daughter attend a USAID PHCS Project health education session in a remote community of the Ismayilli districtWomen Teach Neighbors to have Healthy Pregnancies, Safe Deliveries

“Why should I go to gynecologist during pregnancy? I am not the first woman to give birth,” says Najiba, a 23-year-old resident of the village of Bash Zeyzid in Azerbaijan’s Sheki region... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

The Youth Fund gathered to select its committee membersAzerbaijan Youth Fund Grows with U.S., UK Support

The Azerbaijan Youth Fund program, implemented by the Eurasia Foundation has recently received additional support from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) of the United Kingdom to expand its activities through 2009... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Social Programs

Within six months of implementing a new marketing plan, Safari was able to double its number of employeesMarketing Tools Are Company’s Best Friend

When establishing the new company Safari to produce cardboard packaging, Executive Director Nadir Huseynov did not expect to have trouble identifying buyers. In fact, there were a number of reasons that he anticipated a viable long term future... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Sugar beet farmers increase their knowledge at the workshopSugar Beets Hold Promise for Azerbaijan’s Remote Villages

In June 2007, USAID’s Azerbaijan Business Assistance and Development (ABAD) program, in collaboration with the Azerbaijan Sugar Production Union, a branch of Azersun Holding, organized a workshop for farmers on sugar beet cultivation... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Mammadov and colleagues participate in the Des Moines, IA trainingExchange Cultivates Farmer’s Interest in Organic Produce

Shohrat Mammadov, Director of Shabran LTD, gained a larger market share by expanding his business to meet a growing demand for organic produce in Azerbaijan. The idea came about as a result of Mammadov’s experience... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Manzura Habilova, a newly-elected Tasmali municipal leader, expresses her satisfaction with USAID’s community projectElected Official’s Self-Advocacy Earns Her Contested Post

USAID’s Community Development Activity (CDA), implemented by CHF International, seeks to increase citizen participation in local governance through training, practical implementation of community-identified projects... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Hijran Hajiyeva and Geof Giacomini gave congratulatory speeches and signed handover documents at the eventUSAID Hands Over Children and Family Support Centers to Azerbaijan

On July 9, 2007, a signing ceremony transferred the USAID-supported Shulevan Children and Family Support Center from Save the Children to the State Committee for Family, Women and Children’s Issues of the Azerbaijan Republic... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Social Programs

Special trainings that teach life skills and self-advocacy skills to teens helped Sevinj to rebuild her self-confidence and interact more with her peersCenter Helps ‘Social Orphans’ Reclaim their Futures

When 14-year-old Sevinj’s parents divorced and subsequently remarried, she felt the negative effects immediately. Her family, originally from Kalbajar, Azerbaijan, became internally-displaced persons... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Social Programs

While participating in the Azerbaijan Agribusiness Ceneter (AAC) booth at the 2006 Interfood Kiev Trade Fair, fruit and vegetable processor found cheaper suppliers for necessary inputsAgribusiness Center Helps Company Boost Production, Sales

One of Azerbaijan’s leading fruits and vegetable processing companies turned to the USAID-supported Azerbaijan Agribusiness Center over two years ago for help... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

In the Third Grade Program, students often work in groups, as it encourages open discussion about their opinions and ideas. Here, students are working together to identify the similarities and differences between moral rules and legal rules.Street Law Program Engages Azerbaijan’s Youngest Citizens

ABA-Azerbaijan has successfully expanded its USAID-supported Street Law Program to target its youngest audience ever: third-graders. Using games, group activities, and interactive methods, law students are now teaching... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Rule of Law

Group discussions during the Business Forum in GubaForum Raises Development Questions for Northern Azerbaijan

USAID’s Azerbaijan Business Assistance and Development Program (ABAD), in cooperation with the local department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Economic Development, organized a business forum... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Middle left to right: Steve Morin, USAID Deputy Country Coordinator for Azerbaijan, Donald Lu, U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission and Mahmud MamedGuliyev, Azerbaijan's Deputy Foreign Minister, make opening discuss prospects for the WTO accession processU.S. Supports Azerbaijan’s WTO Accession Process

USAID hosted a reception in cooperation with the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Economic Development and Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan to raise public awareness of the importance of World Trade Organization (WTO) accession... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Alosav Mammadov, Jalilabad MC Business Advisor (left), responds to a farmer's query at the Hasilli Community Day eventHasilli Farm Representatives Share Experience with Other Farmers

The USAID-funded Azerbaijan Business Assistance and Development Program (ABAD), in cooperation with the executive committee of the local agricultural department, organized a Community Day at Hasilli Farm in Jalilabad... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Elshan Rustamov, Shabrab-D enterprise representative provides information to visitors at the Baku Food Industry ExhibitionEntrepreneurs Promote Goods at Baku Food Industry Exhibition

From May 23–25, program staff and four clients from the USAID-funded Azerbaijan Business Assistance and Development Program (ABAD) attended the Food Industry Exhibition in Baku to share program information... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Doctor puts the last bandages before discharging Elchin from a hospitalU.S. Project Saves Lives in Azerbaijan

Every day, the mass media reports on the numbers of people dying or being seriously injured on the road in Azerbaijan. However, many of these deaths could be prevented through timely and professional emergency medical care... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

Through USAID Azerbaijani credit union leaders developed relationships with Boston-based institutions that laid the groundwork for their recent study tour.Azerbaijan Credit Union Leaders Visit the U.S.

The chiefs of five leading Azerbaijan credit unions and the director of the Azerbaijan Credit Union Association (AKIA) participated in a two-week U.S. study tour designed to help them consider ways of developing the institutional capacity of credit unions back home... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Financial Markets

Azerbaijani emergency medicine dispatchers learn how to apply new system to save more livesAzerbaijan Seeks to Improve Emergency Medicine

Through a recent, multi-million dollar grant, USAID will assist the Ministry of Health in Azerbaijan in developing a modern, evidence-based approach to emergency medicine... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

(Right to left:) Frank Hespe, ABA CEELI Country Director for Azerbaijan, Anne Derse, U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan and David Rubino, USAID Rule of Law Liaison, responded to media questions at the May 14 kick-off eventFirst Women’s Bar Association Founded in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan has one of the lowest rates of female legal professionals in the Newly Independent States, and support to women lawyers is greatly needed. To this end, USAID has been working together with the American Bar Association... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

Entrepreneur Humay Mammadova wants to help Azerbaijan preserve its cultural and heritage while creating economic opportunitiesAzerbaijani Communities Host National War College Delegation

In April 2007, Zardabi communities in Guba district, northern Azerbaijan hosted a delegation from the National War College, a prestigious leadership training program for American military and civilian leaders... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

The US Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Anne Derse makes a congratulatory speech at the conferenceNGO Coalitions Announce Plans to Engage Citizens and Government

Six coalitions of NGOs and businesses announced plans to engage citizens and government through campaigns to improve socioeconomic conditions in Azerbaijan at a May 7 Public Dialogue and Advocacy Conference organized by USAID’s Civil Society Project... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

With technical recommendations and assistance from the Azerbaijan Agribusiness Center (AAC) Company sold 120,000 jars of pickles for $82,379USAID Specialists Nurture Growth of Rural Businesses

Through USAID’s Rural Enterprise Competitiveness project, a team from the Azerbaijan Agribusiness Center (AAC) has worked to help a local fruit and vegetable processor become more modern and efficient, and to increase sales... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

USAID Country Coordinator Scott Taylor delivered opening remarks at conferencePartnerships Key to Better Health Care in Azerbaijan

USAID’s Health Partnerships Program convened a Partnership Program Dissemination Conference in Baku at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan on May 7 to share ideas and successes... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

Scott Taylor, USAID Country Coordinator for Azerbaijan and Kevin Feldis, US Embassy Legal Advisor give an interview to the local TV channels and news agencies and share their impression on the status of the conferenceAzerbaijan Government Unveils National Strategy to Combat Corruption

USAID, the Anti-Corruption Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the US Embassy, the US Department of Justice, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Council of Europe, and the NGO Anti-Corruption Network... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

The participants of the conference discuss financial management capacities of school administrators and increasing citizen oversight over secondary schools' budget expenditures in break-out groupsParents Consider New Role to Improve Quality of Children’s Education

The Eurasia Foundation (EF) launched a one-day, USAID-supported conference on the “Public Components in School Management and Their Role in the Improvement of the Quality of Education” in Azerbaijan on May 8... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

AAC has been helping its client address key deficiencies to meet the demands of a growing marketProduct Marketing Helps Furniture Maker Generate Capital for Growth

In 2004, the current owner purchased the land with the intention of returning it to its former purpose. He made some repairs and installed some equipment and the company began making chairs, tables and beds... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

US Ambassador Anne Derse joins Mollaburhan community in celebrating the completion of four Community Development Activity projectsMollaburhan Proves Quick Study in Community Development

On February 5, the community of Mollaburhan, Azerbaijan had much to celebrate: the first anniversary of its participation in the USAID Community Development Activity (CDA) program, the successful completion of four community development projects... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Tuleguvan community members gathered in the school room to meet with their parliament representativeCDA Community Lobbies for Development Assistance

Tuleguvan, in Azerbaijan’s Astara region, joined the Community Development Activity (CDA) Program in January 2007 at the encouragement of neighboring CDA villages of Ojakeran and Tese-Kend... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Empowered by the Project, personnel of statistical departments at district hospitals are ready to improve delivery of health care in their regionModernizing Data Collection to Improve Health Care in Sheki

Dr. Qinyaz Mammadov is the Chief of the Statistical Department at Azerbaijan’s Sheki Central District Hospital, a medical institution that coordinates the work of 66 medical facilities in the surrounding region... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

Participating in the elections, Sanubar votes for members of her local child advocacy groupVulnerable Youth Learn to Transform their World

Fourteen-year-old Sanubar was sent away once her family could no longer manage her epileptic seizures. An increasing amount of children in Azerbaijan, like Sanubar, are placed in institutions because their families are unable to cope with their children’s special needs... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Social Programs

AZRIP trainer provides procurement and contract training session for Privolnoye CDC membersAzerbaijani Communities Seek Partners to Sustain Development Progress

Now in its second year, USAID’s Community Development Activity (CDA) program is engaging Azerbaijan’s citizens and communities in identifying and addressing local needs... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Infrastructure

Through PHCS, district health care providers are empowered to fight life- threatening diseases and save young livesHelping Azerbaijan’s Children to Survive to Age 5

Azerbaijan has the highest infant and under-five mortality rates of any country in the Europe and Eurasia region. Pneumonia, diarrhea and neonatal conditions pose the greatest threat to young children... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

The Project-developed TV spot calls on people to prevent avian influenza in their communityAvian Influenza TV Spot Reaches Broad Azerbaijani Audience

One of the key components of USAID’s Primary Health Care Strengthening (PHCS) Project coordinated by International Medical Corps is to prevent avian influenza in Azerbaijan through supporting effective communication... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

Scott Taylor, USAID Country Coordinator for Azerbaijan and Elshan Asadov, Head of Secretariat, Tariff Council of Azerbaijan (in the middle) made opening remarks at the eventEnergy Stakeholders Train on Tariff Development, Utility Regulation

With the support of USAID, the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) delivered a five-day training in May 2007 to the Azerbaijani Tariff Council Staff and other relevant energy sector stakeholders... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Energy

A group of Hasanly school girls assembled in the school yard waiting for their classes to startIn Cultural Shift, Girls’ Education Becomes Community Priority

In mid-2006, Hasanly village in the Masally region of southern Azerbaijan joined USAID's Community Development Activity program, which promotes civic participation by working with communities and local governments... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

USAID's Azerbaijan Agribusiness Center helped this struggling wild fruit juice producer gain exposure to international markets and win lucrative accountsRural Juice Maker Boosts Exports

USAID’s Azerbaijan Agribusiness Center (AAC) Specialist Mirnail Mirsalahov was recently contacted by a rural beverage producer for help with entering the international health juice market... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Calling their meetings 'instructive,' senior officials from the Government of Azerbaijan will consider Norway’s approach as they develop a Public Investment Policy Program for their countryAzerbaijan Government Interested in Norwegian Experience

The USAID-supported Public Investment Policy Project, in close collaboration with the Norwegian Embassy in Baku and the World Learning Institute (WLI), brought a delegation of senior officials from the Government of Azerbaijan to Norway... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Financial Markets

Azerbaijani engineers mounted 30 concrete blocks to extend the electrical line more than 2 kilometersElectricity Quadruples Sales for Local Flour Mill

Ilyas Jafarov, owner of the only flour mill in the Jafarhanli village of Jalilabad, Azerbaijan, has provided three primary services to surrounding farmers for nearly a decade: flour milling, wheat and barley seed cleaning, and mixed feed production... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Executive Committee member presents plans for the community development project to the local publicCommunity Development Expands in Azerbaijan

On March 27-28, CHF held three large scale outreach meetings in two Southern (Yardymly, Lerik) and in one Northern (Balaken) border districts of Azerbaijan under the auspices of USAID’s Community Development Activity... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Social Programs

Fuad Agazadeh, AAC Account Manager (on the left) and Jeff Neville, AAC Labeling Specialist (on the right) meet with the company managementExpert Advice Yields Big Profits for Tomato Processor

By sharing technical and marketing expertise, USAID’s Azerbaijan Agribusiness Center (AAC) has helped scores of rural producers and processors dramatically increase their sales. This is one story... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Representatives of the Economic Research Center presents the results of the Enhancing Transparency Initiative and Ensuring Public Participation in the Municipal Budget projectUSAID’s Project Standardizes Municipal Development

In early April, Eurasia Foundation (EF) Azerbaijan, through USAID’s Strengthening Municipal Budget Transparency Initiatives and Increasing Public Participation project office, hosted a workshop and presentation... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Institutional Reform

Experts discuss how Azerbaijan can most efficiently manage its oil revenuesRoundtable on Oil Revenues and State Expenditures

On April 5, the Eurasia Foundation and the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation held a one-day, USAID-supported roundtable on “Oil Revenues and State Expenditures” to examine transparency and efficiency... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Committee members discuss expectations for the workshopYouth Fund Hits Stride in Azerbaijan

Thirty-four young Azerbaijanis ages 16-30 gathered on February 19-20 in Novkhani, Azerbaijan to participate in the third workshop of Eurasia Foundation-run (EF) Youth Fund program... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Institutional Reform

Azerbaijani farmers were impressed by their counterparts' method of growing strawberries on suspended beds as a means to increase marketable yieldAzerbaijan Imports Irrigations Innovations from Israel

Twenty-three Azerbaijani nationals traveled to Israel March 4-18 to participate in a USAID-funded course, “Irrigation Systems for Intensive Crop Production,” delivered in collaboration with the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Participating in the elections, an Azerbaijani youth from Mingechevir casts a ballot for members of the children's self-advocacy groupsUSAID Supports Child-run Advocacy Group Elections

On April 5, Azerbaijani children at Children and Family Support Centers in the Mingechevir (central), Goranboy (southern) and Shuvelan (urban) districts of Azerbaijan held elections to select representatives to self-advocacy groups... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

During the opening ceremony, the rector of Naxchivan State University, Isa Habibbeyli, thanked the American people for their generous contribution to the new legal clinicIsolated Community Receives its First Legal Clinic

On March 12, 2007, the law school at Azerbaijan’s Naxchivan State University celebrated the opening of its first legal clinic, an activity supported by USAID through the American Bar Association... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

A group of forty-seven journalism students under the mentorship of Nasiman Yagublu, a professor at Baku State University meets every other Friday to interview newsmakers, opinion shapers and others who are playing a role in the development of AzerbaijanAzerbaijani Media Students Learn to Ask Tough Questions

“Tell Me” is a bi-monthly production of a local USAID media project that provides opportunities for students from the nine Baku-based journalism faculties to hone their skills as future news correspondents... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

With support of the American people, USAID's Media Advancement project constructed 27 news kiosks (newsstands) to be disbursed among the seven cities and established 6 new regional distribution centers in the rural areas of AzerbaijanBuilding Distribution Helps to Advance Media Sector in Azerbaijan

In late 2004, Khanhuseyn Aliyev came to the attention of USAID’s Media Advancement project, which was seeking a way to build Azerbaijan’s newspaper industry by improving distribution... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Ambassador Derse Addresses Political Parties at the Elcetion Commission Composition Meeting with political parties in Azerbaijan in Baku on February 21US, International Partners Aid Azerbaijan with Election Reforms

Under its USAID-supported Election Administration Assistance Program, IFES works with the Azerbaijani authorities and international and local partners—including the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe (COE)... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

A brand new emergency department in Yevlakh is provided with life-saving equipment that met modern requirementsUSAID Emergency Medicine Program Receives High Marks

In an effort to shore up its regional social and economic development program, the Government of Azerbaijan is focusing on improving emergency medicine at its hospitals... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

Technical recommendations from USAID's Rural Enterprises Competitiveness project helped this cannery to increase its sales by processing new products and producing 400,000 jars of canned vegetables and 180,000 bottles of lemonadeUSAID Supports a Azerbaijani Processor to Expand Product Line

In its first year of operation, a fruit and vegetable company processed 400 tons of pickled cucumber and purchased 50 tons of aseptic tomato paste from a large canning factory in the area for repackaging into 720 gram jars... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

The Student Companies team from School no.164 in Baku present their handicrafts for competition judgingJA Azerbaijan Hosts ‘School Business Day’ Student Competitions

Junior Achievement (JA) Azerbaijan recently held its Student Business Day encompassing three simultaneous activities: the finals of the “Student Companies” project competition; a student product fair... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

USAID expertise helped this jam maker focus its operations and attract major buyers, which have resulted in a dramatic sales increaseBroad Exposure Yields Big Sales for Small Azerbaijani Jam Maker

A small jam maker and hazelnut processor in northwest Azerbaijan first approached USAID for help in building its business back in 2004. The company relied on manual production carried out by just 25 employees... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Ms. Ilhamiyya Rzayeva, the program producer (on the left), Famil MammadoV, the lawyer of the 4 Legal Advocacy Center and Hafiz Hasanov, the chief of the Legal and Development Union discuss the problem presented in the tape and offer a resolution in the Problems/Solutions television production, which is supported by USAID's Media Advancement project and implemented by IREX.Program Boosts TV News Production, Educates Viewers on Local Issues

“Problems/Solutions” is a USAID-sponsored television production conceived by a local television station manager in Tovuz and implemented by IREX to explore issues that affect Azerbaijan’s citizens while honing the skills of local journalists, camerapersons and editors... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

Rashad Amraliyev and Nazim Mikayilli won $1,000 for placing third at the HPGBC worldwide competition in CaliforniaAzerbaijani Student Economics Team Ranks Third Worldwide

USAID’s School Economics Education Program (SEE) student-team from Zangi Lyceum in Baku placed third at the prestigious Hewlett Packard Global Business Challenge (HPGBC) which drew more than 1,000 teams from 68 nations... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

Thanks to USAID's Rural Enterprises Competitiveness Project, this leading Azerbaijani furniture maker has recently invested $250,000 with a supplier discovered at a trade fair for raw materials to produce cupboards, dining room sets and other fine home furnishingsUSAID Helps Furniture Maker Market Product, Find Suppliers

Since beginning operations in 1999, a modern furniture maker in Bilesuvar, central Azerbaijan, has been specializing in the manufacture of furniture that comply with European standards and tastes... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

State-of-the-art computers are among the contributions USAID has made to help the Ministry of Economic Development strengthen its economic research functionUSAID Boosts Azerbaijan’s Economic Research Capacity

The USAID-supported Public Investment Policy (PIP) Project is a technical assistance project which helps the Government of Azerbaijan to develop its capacity in long and medium term investment planning and programming... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Institutional Reform

At a meeting in November, health officials, media, NGOs and USAID representatives worked on a strategic roll-out for Azerbaijan's new national health campaignCampaign Emphasizes Personal Responsibility for Health

“Our Health is Our Responsibility” is a simple but powerful and important message - and one that recently was chosen as a slogan for Azerbaijan’s national health communication campaign... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

Abbas Gasymov, a skilled Azerbaijani tradesman works on the foundation of the new Yengiyan medical clinicCitizens Empowered Through Community Development Success

In the village of Yengiyan, Sheki, the winds of change are blowing. The village's Community Development Council (CDC) is promoting the welfare of its citizens while recruiting two nearby villages into the USAID Community Development Activity (CDA) program... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

The employees working with Baykal bread producing company bake bread in the new ovens thanks to the American peopleLocal Bread Producer Sees Sales Rise

In recent years, a small bread producer in Goranboy, central Azerbaijan, has lost market share because of its inability to keep pace with the changing preferences of consumers... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Scott Taylor (left), USAID Country Coordinator for Azerbaijan presents a certificate of appreciation to Dr. Faig Mamedzadeh, Deputy Director of the Republican Anti-Plague Station of AzerbaijanAzerbaijan Makes Great Strides in Avian Flu Prevention

“Azerbaijan has made remarkable progress in preventing outbreaks of avian influenza over the past six months,” stated Dr. Victor Gasimov, Ministry of Health Chief of Sanitary and Epidemiological Sector... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

More than 170 cabinet and ministry staff expanded skills and knowledge through the comprehensive training provided by USAID through its Public Investment Policy ProjectCivil Service Employees Receive Public Investment Training

The USAID-supported Public Investment Policy (PIP) Project, jointly with the Azerbaijan Center of Economic Reforms (CER), successfully completed the fourth round of the formal Training Program... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

Boyukagha learns through puzzles at a personalized session aimed to improve his cognitive developmentRehab Services Help Disabled Youngsters Achieve Full Potential

Boyukagha Huseynov is an 8-year old child from Shuvelan in urban Azerbaijan with right spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy.  For thousands of children like Boyukagha, disabilities interfere with normal daily function... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

The Azerbaijan Agribusiness Center was instrumental in helping its client to secure new business needed to support year-round operationsUSAID Helps Sunflower Processor Boost Sales, Expand Operations

USAID’s Azerbaijan Agribusiness Center (AAC) Account Manager Elvin Agayev began working a small, rural-based processor of sunflower products – oil, cakes, and seeds – in December 2005... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Gulshan Aliyeva USAID Community Connections Handicraft Production and Marketing exchange participant exhibits Azerbaijani handicrafts at fair in Kansas CityAlumnae Use Handicraft Businesses to Help Others Succeed

In December, USAID Community Connections Handicraft Production and Marketing Exchange alumnae Humaya Mammadova and Gulshan Aliyeva opened two new workshops in Quba (north) and Fuzuli (central Azerbaijan)... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Boyukagha learns through puzzles at a personalized session aimed to improve his cognitive developmentAzerbaijani Community Takes Ownership of Environmental Issue

There is an Azerbaijani proverb that says: “Every man must build a house, bring up a son and plant tree plant in his life”. In Azerbaijan, taking care of nature and one’s family is part of life... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Environment

Jhale Hajiyeva, AMFA Executive Director (left), and Maryam Haji-Ismayilova, AMFA Project Coordinator (right), at the 'Microfinance with a Mission' Conference in Budapest, HungaryAttracting Investments to Azerbaijan’s Microfinance Sector

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) represent one of the most viable opportunities to grow and diversify the economy in Azerbaijan. However, SME growth potential is severely limited by a lack of access to finance and an underdeveloped and undercapitalized banking sector... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Financial Markets

Young capitalists, such as Levan Alavidze (left), are the foundation for Georgia's future democratic development says USAID's Menarchik (right)Menarchik Visits Caucasus For First Overseas Mission

In February, USAID Acting Assistant Administrator for Europe & Eurasia Doug Menarchik embarked on his first visit to the field, traveling to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkmenistan to meet with government representatives... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Georgia

The Azerbaijan Agro-business Center (AAC) helped this local beverage producer increase sales by improving the quality of its product and finding new wholesalersAgro-Business Center Helps Beverage Producer Boost Sales

A local beverage producer which had achieved limited success across Azerbaijan turned to the USAID-funded Azerbaijan Agro-Business Center (AAC) for help in penetrating Ganja, the second largest market in the country... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Through USAID, aid from the American people helps Azerbaijani law students gain teaching skillsStreet Law Program Helps Students Grow

USAID’s Street Law Program, implemented by ABA-CEELI, provides second- and third-year law students with the opportunity to learn how it feels to be on the other side of the podium... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

Community residents asphalt the inter-village road in TekleFollowing the Road to Success

The Tekle village is located in the Masally region of Southern Azerbaijan. As is typical in the post-Soviet collapse, basic infrastructure services such as road and water supply were in desperate need of repair... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Anar (in wheelchair) participates in a role play activity at the opening ceremony for the USAID-supported Children and Family Support Center in Mingechevir.Working Toward Community Integration of Disabled Children

In Azerbaijan, 18 out of 1,000 children are disabled and face discrimination and social exclusion with little or no support for them and their families. Anar Khalilov, a 16-year-old boy with muscular dystrophy is one of these children... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Social Programs

After cooking, Azerbaijani children enjoy eating the meal together in a pleasant and relaxed settingSupport Center Teaches Children, Teens Self-Sufficiency

In Azerbaijan, institutionalization is the only form of support offered by the government for thousands of children whose families are in crisis... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

Signs of the construction boom in Baku are visible everywhere, yet the voices of those most affected often go unheardAzerbaijani Citizen Participation in Decision Making

In January 2005, a landslide in Baku brought public concerns over the safety of construction to the forefront of Azerbaijani politics. At the heart of the issue were the difficulties average citizens face in having a voice in city planning processes that directly affect them... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

USAID Country Representative Scott Taylor participates in the series of nation-wide roundtables bringing together 250 leaders from government, NGOs, the private sector, and community-based organizationsRobust Public Policy Dialogue a First in Azerbaijan

As Azerbaijan enters its second decade of transition, the government, private sector, and non-governmental organizations continue to explore approaches to fostering active participation in setting and implementing policies... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Canvassers from the YAP party talking to a voter in Imishli city, Southern Azerbaijan on December 13Political Parties Hold First Voter Surveys

On December 13-14, sixty activists from two political parties in Azerbaijan conducted pilot surveys among some 200 people in Imishli city in southern Azerbaijan to learn about voters’ views on local issues and political parties... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Four Community Development Council members in Hesenly were recently elected to municipal posts after fraudulent elections were rescheduledActivist Community Celebrates Success in Municipal Elections

The community of Hesenly in southern Azerbaijan was well-known during the Soviet times for writing complaint letters to central Moscow. Its residents were called “truth-tellers” or “complaint-writers” and there is an anecdote saying... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Dr. Shahmaliyev improves his chest compression techniqueUSAID Boosts Emergency Care in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan, one of the most oil-rich countries in the world, has recently experienced a lot of positive changes in social sector development. However, in other sectors there is still an urgent need for reform and rehabilitation... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

Participants in the USAID Community Connections 'Improving the Educational Environment' exchange program traveled from Baku State University to Jackson State University to learn about building an environmental studies departmentExchange Alumna Creates Path for Environmental Studies

Gulheyran Rahimova, Head of International Academic Education Programs at Baku State University, drew upon her experience in the USAID-funded Community Connections program to create a partnership with Jackson State University... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Environment

Sevinj still makes time to see clients now that she manages the salonGroomed for Success

Confidence breeds success and, in turn, can help a business thrive. Sevinj Aliyeva, owner of a beauty salon in Gazakh, a small town in north-western Azerbaijan, knows this firsthand... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

A Muslim community leader educates local families about family planningIn Azerbaijan, Religious Leader Takes on Public Health Role

After the tragic death of a close friend’s wife following an abortion three years ago, Elnur Ismaylov, a religious leader in his local mosque, became deeply troubled by the high number of unwanted pregnancies couples terminate as a result of not using contraception... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

Khayal enjoys his right to a formal educationUSAID Inspires New Hope for Disabled Children

In Azerbaijan, most disabled children are diagnosed as “unable to learn” and denied access to the school system. Only a small proportion of disabled children attend mainstream school... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Education

Four Community Development Council members in Hesenly were recently elected to municipal posts after fraudulent elections were rescheduledIdea Marketplace Strengthens NGO Participation in Corruption Fight

On September 30, Albanians thronged the Tirana International Hotel, the venue for the country’s first NGO Marketplace. In the hotel’s lobby, conference rooms and ballroom, a diverse collection of Albania’s civic groups... Read More ...

Related Items: Albania, Rule of Law

Elshad Bayramov never dreamed that he would be able to afford a tractor Rural Credit Project Yields Success for Azerbaijan’s Farmers

Elshad Bayramov, a small-scale dairy farmer, vastly improved his operations with the help of loans totaling $16,000 from CredAgro, a rural lending institution established under the Azerbaijan Rural Credit (ARC) Project... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

The ABAD Marketing Center helped connect a buyer with a local farmer willing to plant an early maturing watermelon variety Demand-Driven Approach Bears Fruit for Watermelon Farmers

One of the biggest problems facing watermelon growers in rural Azerbaijan is selling their product. Every year, farmers raise thousands of tons of watermelons... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Students at School 177 designed a successful, democratic election process to select their leader First-Ever Presidential Election Delivers Victory for Student Action Committee in Baku

The Student Action Committee (SAC) at School 177 in Baku, Azerbaijan organized it’s first-ever Student Action Committee presidential election in March 2005... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Democracy

Families in Azerbaijan’s remote southern villages rely on life-saving advice from trained village health educators Improving Child Survival Neighbor-to-Neighbor

From neighbor to neighbor, over tea and across fences, the women of Siriq village shared the news that young, 19-year-old Pakiza was having trouble breastfeeding her baby... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

Peer educators have helped women advocate more effectively for their children’s health needs Displaced Children Receive Immunizations in Yeni Karki

Yeni Karki, a small village in the autonomous republic of Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan was established as a home for internally displaced families (IDPs) by the government... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Health

Puppets Tolerance for Tots: USAID Funds Regional TV Program for Kids in the Caucasus

On January 29, 2005, the USAID-funded Children’s Tolerance Education project (CTEP) began broadcasting an innovative new television program for children in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan... Read More ...

Related Items: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Social Programs

The Complete Guide to Financing in Azerbaijan First Financing Resource Guide Published for Azerbaijan Businesses

In May 2004, the Azerbaijan Agribusiness Center released The Complete Guide to Financing in Azerbaijan. This is the first comprehensive financing resource guide available to Azerbaijan business community... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Equipment Informed Analysis by AAC Assures Optimized Investment Decisions by Azeri Businesses Equipment Upgrades

The Azerbaijan Agribusiness Center assured that Azeri agribusiness companies maximized their business investments by assisting them in gathering and assessing critical information on construction and equipment before funds were expended... Read More ...

Related Items: Azerbaijan, Business Development

Ribbon-cutting ceremonySamed Vurgun Community, Agjabedi, Azerbaijan: Self-Reliance Built Through USAID Support

The past fifteen years have been a very challenging time for the people of Azerbaijan. Located between Russia and Iran in the heart of the Caucasus region, the country has long been a crossroads of commerce and culture. Shortly after gaining independence from the Soviet Union in October 1991, Azerbaijan was soon drawn into a devastating three-year territorial conflict with neighboring Armenia over Nagorno Garabagh, a mountainous region in the west of the country. When hostilities ceased in early 1994, Armenian forces occupied Nagorno-Karabagh and a wide swath of surrounding area, accounting for nearly 20 percent of Azerbaijan’s territory. Read More ...

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Wed, 03 Sep 2008 11:57:41 -0500