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What is the role of the Ombudsman?

The Ombudsman provides impartial, objective, independent, informal, and confidential assistance with complaint resolution and problem solving to all Berkeley Lab staff.

The Ombudsman will listen to you, discuss your concerns, interpret policies, provide information and referrals, and help you develop options for surfacing and solving problems and conflicts, without taking sides.


Why is there an Ombudsman?

Berkeley Lab recognizes that conflict and grievances are natural occurrences in human organizations, and there will be matters you may wish to explore “off the record” or about which you will want informal advice, or which, despite your and others’ best efforts, have not been effectively or appropriately resolved.

The Office of the Ombudsman is an alternative, informal channel of communication, to complement, not replace the formal complaint resolution procedures in place for Lab employees, which include the contractual grievance and arbitration procedures for union represented employees and  the  employee complaint procedure outlined in Section 2.05 of the Regulations and Procedures Manual for non-represented employees.

When used as an entry point for airing concerns, the Ombudsman can provide an informal productive way of resolving conflict and contributing to an inclusive work environment.


When should I contact the Ombudsman?

  • When you have any work-related concerns that seem to interfere with your ability to perform your job effectively or that seem to be important to the Lab
  • When you need to talk about a problem with a neutral party
  • When you need an impartial and confidential sounding board
  • When you feel you have been treated unfairly by anyone at Berkeley Lab
  • When you are not sure which policies or procedures apply to your situation
  • When you feel a Lab policy or procedure is unfair
  • When you need to explore ways to surface a problem without being at risk of retaliation
  • When you want to address a systemic problem that does not seem to be getting better
  • When you want to speak to someone who understands the policies and practices of the Lab, but who has no stake in the outcome
  • When you’re not sure where else to turn for assistance


How is going to you different from going to my boss, HR, or compliance?

If you want to make a formal complaint or grievance, if union represented for the Lab to act on, or if you want to have your concerns documented, you must use the contractual grievance and arbitration procedure or the RPM employee complaint procedure outlined in Section 2.05.

If, however, you want to have a confidential, off-the-record conversation with a neutral party, you can contact the Berkeley Lab Ombudsman.


How do I contact the Ombudsman Office?

You can contact the Ombudsman Office by phone, fax, or email during or after business hours.

Cell (510) 708-5980
FAX: (510) 486-7099



OFFICE LOCATION: Building 937, Room 614
2120 University Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94720
OFFICE TELEPHONE: (510) 486-4232