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Applicants and Funded Housing Developments

Consolidated Funding Cycle (CFC) / Applicants & Funded Housing Developments
Looking to develop affordable 
housing in your area?
Contact a Regional Advisor 
Ph: 503.986.2000
Microsoft Word file
OHCS Funded Housing Projects:                                                          
Microsoft Excel file OHCS Grant and Tax Credit Projects                                            
All Funded Housing Projects – Statewide:                                            
    Microsoft Excel file All of Oregon Low-Income Housing Projects                               
Microsoft Word file
Consolidated Funding Cycle (CFC) Project Lists:
CFC Applicant Lists:                                                                         
Microsoft Excel file  Spring 2008                                                                                     
    Microsoft Excel file Fall 2008                                               
  CFC Recipient Lists:                                                                    
Microsoft Excel file Spring 2008                                                                   
Microsoft Excel file Fall 2007                                        
Microsoft Word file
Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Project Lists:
    LIHTC Statewide Projects:                                                             
  Microsoft Excel file 
Oregon Statewide                                                                          
LIHTC Applicant Lists:
Microsoft Excel file Spring 2008                                               
Microsoft Excel file Fall 2008
   LIHTC Recipient Lists:                                                                 
   Microsoft Excel file Spring 2008                                                                
Microsoft Excel file Fall 2007
   Tax Credit Allocation Recipients:
    Microsoft Excel file 2008 LIHTC Allocation Recipients                                            
    Four Percent Tax Credit Recipient:                                              
Microsoft Excel file Four Percent LIHTC Recipients                                                    
Microsoft Word file
La Pine Request For Applications (RFA) Project List:           
Microsoft Word file La Pine RFA 2008 Applicant                              

Page updated: September 03, 2008

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