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First Telethon on Child Welfare Issues Co-Sponsored by ARO in Magadan

On International Child Welfare Day, June 1, USAID-funded Assistance to Russian Orphans (ARO) Program, its local partners, the Administration of the Magadan Region, and the local television station Kolyma TV held a two-hour telethon devoted to children's issues. Event organizers gathered a panel of local child welfare experts, public servants, and journalists with the goal of bringing the plight of abandoned and neglected children into the public eye. The telethon showed clips from the ARO-funded 2004 International Art Therapy Festival as well as new pieces that focused on ARO-supported child welfare projects in Magadan. This television series is but one of a number of ARO’s new successes in Magadan. As the result of the April U.S.- based multi-regional child welfare study tour conducted by ARO for governors and high-level officials from ARO priority regions, Magadan’s Administration has made it clear that they support the establishment of ARO-pioneered projects, including crisis family support and mainstreaming of children with disabilities into schools.

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Mon, 19 Dec 2005 15:05:45 -0500