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Urban & Rural Issues
Urban Issues
Rural Issues
Farm & Forest Reports
Urban Issues
View of Portland from the West Hills
During the 1990s, urban planning issues took on increased importance in Oregon. An accelerating growth rate and reduced local taxing authority have put the squeeze on local governments to provide adequate services for a growing population.
Most of the urban issues generally fall into one of two categories: the Transportation and Growth Management Program (TGM) and the ´Periodic Review´ process.
Transportation and Growth Management
The Transportation and Growth Management Program was founded in 1990 by DLCD and the Department of Transportation in order to focus resources on the problems of urban growth and transportation.
Through the TGM grant program, millions of dollars have been provided to communities to assist them in solving local problems. Several publications have been produced to give planners around the state an idea of the tools and techniques that are available to assist urban planners. They can be found on the ´Publications ´ page.
Periodic Review
Periodic Review is a substantial evaluation and revision of a local comprehensive plan. Since 1981, state law (ORS 197.633) has called for cities and counties to regularly review their comprehensive plans.
The requirements have changed over the years, but the purpose of Periodic Review continues to ensure that local comprehensive plans are:
  • Up to date in order to respond to changes in local, regional and state conditions, and
  • In compliance with the statewide planning goals.

DLCD staff works with several cities each year to evaluate the needs of the community, and if necessary, develop a work program to meet those needs. Once the work program is approved, the city submits specific planning ‘tasks’ as they are completed. The department offers grant funding to local governments to facilitate completion of Periodic Review.

One of the key elements of Oregon´s land use planning system is the amount of predictability (pdf) it provides to developers. TGM´s Code Assistance Program provides local governments with additional tools to ensure that predictability.
For more information on urban planning, please contact Gloria Gardiner at 503-373-0050 x282.

Rural Issues
Pronghorn near Lake Abert
Oregon is widely known for its rural landscape and abundant natural resources. From the very first day of our statewide planning program, DLCD has been working to protect those landscapes and resources through sound land use planning.
Protection of farmlands, forestlands, coastal beaches, and other rural resources continue to be one of DLCD´s most important missions.
DLCD carries out that mission through a variety of programs and activities summarized below.
Farmland protection  
Agriculture in Oregon is a vibrant, diverse industry with about $3.8 billion in gross sales each year. That’s one reason why farmland protection is a cornerstone of the statewide planning program and has been for 30 years.

Some 15.5 million acres of Oregon’s rural lands are zoned ´Exclusive Farm Use.´ That zoning keeps farmland from being overrun by subdivisions and urban sprawl. Much of the Rural Division’s work is directed toward monitoring, maintaining, and refining that farmland zoning. The key statewide planning goal for such work is Goal 3, Agricultural Lands.
Forest Land Protection
Ask someone from another state for the first word that comes to their mind about Oregon, and they’re likely to say ´trees.´ There’s a good reason for that: Oregon has some of the most beautiful and productive forests in the world, and it has exported its wood products to national and international markets for more than a century.

Oregon forests also are home to many forms of wildlife and fish, and are prized for their recreational opportunities. Today, about nine million acres of rural lands in Oregon are planned and zoned for forest uses. DLCD maintains a strong Forestland Protection Program to maintain that forestland base. The key statewide planning goal here is Goal 4, Forest Lands.
Rural Development Development in rural areas -- be it residential, commercial or industrial -- is permitted by the Statewide Planning Program in order to allow for a variety of lifestyles and community needs.

The program, however, includes provisions encouraging separation of development from resource lands to minimize conflicts, and containment of urban-scale development within Urban Growth Boundaries to help maintain efficient delivery of services.
Natural Resource Protection Natural resource protection is another important goal of the program. Statewide planning goals and administrative rules require local jurisdictions to address a variety of resources such as wetlands, fish and wildlife habitat, and water availability when making land use decisions.
Periodic Review
Periodic Review is a substantial evaluation and revision of a local comprehensive plan. Since 1981, state law (ORS 197.633) has called for cities and counties to regularly review their comprehensive plans.
The requirements have changed over the years, but the purpose of Periodic Review continues to ensure that local comprehensive plans are:
  • Up to date in order to respond to changes in local, regional and state conditions, and
  • In compliance with the statewide planning goals.

DLCD staff works with counties each year to evaluate the needs of the region, and if necessary, develop a work program to meet those needs. Once the work program is approved, the county submits specific planning ‘tasks’ as they are completed. The department offers grant funding to local governments to facilitate completion of Periodic Review.

One of the key elements of Oregon´s land use planning system is the amount of predictability (pdf) it provides to developers.
For more information on the protection of rural resources, please contact Rob Hallyburton at 503-373-0050 x239.

Farm & Forest Reports
Corn field north of Keizer
The Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission annually adopts reports of land use activities in the state's farm and forest zones. The reports provide data regarding approvals of dwellings, land divisions, and other land uses, by county, for the period September through August.
Rural Forms
Rural Reports (1999-2005)

Page updated: May 30, 2008

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