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National Arbitration Forum

An additional source of information on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and arbitration is the National Arbitration Forum <>, also known as the FORUM.

“In 1986, a small group of visionary legal experts—litigators, mediators, and former judges—came together to create the FORUM. They leveraged their knowledge of court processes, information technology and the law to create a broad array of ADR programs that offer the integrity of the court system with more choices and control.”

Features of the FORUM website:

  • The Case for Pre-Dispute Arbitration Agreements - Effective & Affordable Access to Justice for Consumers: A compilation of independent empirical studies and survey results (in PDF format) published in 2004 on various aspects of arbitration. Included are statistics and reports from several organizations, including the Litigation Section of the American Bar Association. Access to this and other studies is availbale on the FORUM's ADR Research, Studies & Statistics page <>.
  • Sample Arbitration and Mediation Clauses: Under the “Resources” heading on the right side of the homepage <>, you will see a link to a booklet (available as a Word document) providing sample clauses on a variety of arbitration-related topics, including an “Annotated Arbitration Clause”, “Standard Arbitration Clause”, and “Standard Agreement to Arbitrate an Existing Dispute”.
  • National ADR Reporter: A new newsletter that contains dispute resolution legal news and information, including case law, statutory law, and regulatory updates and analysis of legal trends and key legal issues related to ADR. The ADR Reporter also shares practical tips on how to maximize the benefits of mediation, arbitration, and other out-of-court dispute resolution techniques. Reporters available are Automotive ADR Reporter, Construction ADR Reporter, Employment ADR Reporter, Healthcare ADR Reporter, Judicial ADR Reporter, and National ADR Reporter. For links to individual Reporters, click on “ADR Reporter Newsletters” under the “Resources” heading on the right side of the homepage <>.
  • ADR Law & Policy Update: For access to the latest in federal and state cases and legislative and regulatory happenings pertaining to alternative dispute resolution (ADR), the FORUM offers a complimentary (free of charge) e-newsletter service delivered every week via e-mail to subscribers. To subscribe, click on “Subscribe” under the ADR Law & Policy Update heading on the upper right side of the FORUM's homepage <>. Registered users receive access to a searchable archive of all cases covered in ADR Law & Policy Updates. The archive will be searchable by category, including case name, state and jurisdiction, and by subject matter.
  • FORUM Blog <>: Described as a source of “news, events and perspective about Alternative Dispute Resolution”, this page also provides links to other labor-related blogs, including Construction Labor Law <> and Labor & Employment Law <>. Included on right side of the FORUM blog main page are links to previous posts (arranged by date), blogs of interest (arranged according to legal topic), and an archive that goes back to November 2004.

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