Connecticut Tech Act ProjectSlogan: Acheivement through TechnologyPhoto of Scooter

Welcome to the CT Tech Act Project (CTTAP)

Our mission is to increase independence and improve the lives of individuals with disabilities through increased access to Assistive Technology for work, school and community living.

The CT Tech Act Project operates out of the State of Connecticut, Department of Social Services, Bureau of Rehabilitation Services. Our goal is to help individuals with disabilities of all ages and all disabilities, as well as family members, employers, educators and other professionals have access to Assistive Technology devices and services.

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getatstuff the Assistive Technology Exchange in New England


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What is Assistive Technology?

Assistive Technology (AT) is any item or piece of equipment that is used to increase, maintain or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities in all aspects of life, including at school, at work, at home and in the community. Assistive Technology ranges on a continuum from low tech to high tech devices or equipment.

  • Low tech AT are devices or equipment that don't require much training, may be less expensive and do not have complex or mechanical features. For example:
    • handheld magnifiers
    • large print text
    • using paper and pen to communicate
    • canes or walkers
    • using color coding
    • automatic lights
    • specialized pen or pencil grips and much more

  • AT devices or equipment that range in the middle of the continuum may have some complex features, may be electronic or battery operated, may require some training to learn how to use and are more expensive than the low-tech devices. Some examples include
    • talking spell checkers
    • manual wheelchairs
    • electronic organizers,
    • Closed Caption Televisions
    • amplifiers
    • text pagers
    • larger computer monitors
    • books on tape
    • remote controls for your environment
    • alternate mouse or keyboard for the computer and much more

  • High tech AT refers to the most complex devices or equipment, that have digital or electronic components, may be computerized, will likely require training and effort to learn how to use and cost the most. Examples include:
    • power wheelchairs or scooters
    • prosthetic devices
    • digital hearing aids
    • computers with specialized software such as voice recognition or magnification software
    • electronic aids to daily living
    • digital hands-free headsets
    • voice activated telephones
    • communication devices with voices
    • digital books or information on MP3 players and much more

Assistive Technology in the News RSS Feed Icon

NOTE: The news feed below is offered from Google News as a reference to our users. The content is generated by the sponsoring site(s). CTTAP does not endorse any product mentioned in the feed or offer any statement to its validity.

Function a driving concept
Richmond Times Dispatch, VA - 16 hours ago
That home was the first in Virginia to earn such a designation from Virginia Assistive Technology Solutions. "I started doing research on universal design ...

Providing a good education to blind students in your country - Why ...
Sunday, Sri Lanka - Oct 4, 2008
The time has come for vision impaired students to use computers as assistive technology. As a teacher, it is my sincere wish that initiatives be taken ...

National Science Foundation solicits genius for all things that ...
Wired News - Oct 4, 2008
Congruent with the recommendations in the August 2007 report of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), (((your stem-cell ...

Friday, October 3rd 2008
Virgin Islands Daily News, U.S. Virgin Islands - Oct 3, 2008
She noted that with modern technology and assistive devices to accommodate disabilities, "almost anything is possible." Wildy said that before the wreck, ...

Program addresses employment issues
Leader-Telegram, WI - Oct 3, 2008
A panel will address such issues as work equality, interview advice, absenteeism, reasonable accommodations and assistive technology. The cost is $15. ...

CT Tech Act Project is funded by the U.S. Department of Education under the Assistive Technology Act of 1998, as amended. No official endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education of any product, commodity, service or enterprise mentioned in this publication is intended or should be inferred.

©Copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved, Connecticut Tech Act Project.