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The female literacy rate is 95%, second only to Japan’s in Asia, but Filipina women earn 37% to 47% less than men.

Women hold 54% of government jobs, but they dominate second-level positions, at 72%. Men outnumber them by 34% at the first level.

Six of every 10 Filipinos who leave for work abroad are women. About 100,000 to 150,000 women leave each year, most to work as domestics or entertainers.

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Country Snapshot: Philippines and Well Family Midwife

Photo of women and children sitting on ground talking.

In cooperation with the Department of Health and the National Economic Development Authority of the government of the Philippines, USAID is supporting a network of well-family midwife clinics, a nationwide franchise-type system of over 210 clinics, the Well Family Midwife Clinic Partnerships Foundation, Inc.

The program adopts a private-sector business-like approach to deliver public health services efficiently to women midwife entrepreneurs and empowers women by mainstreaming family planning. WPFI provides cost-effective business management and clinical training to midwives, establishes a consortium of NGOs to maintain the quality of the services and the Well Family Midwife brand over the long-term, and integrates commercial contraceptive and marketing activities into the franchise clinic network.

As of April 2004, 75 clinics are in Mindanao and 12 of them are being operated by Muslim midwives.

Philippine's Program Objectives

Economic Governance
Environment and Energy
Conflict Resolution

Selected Activities

Well Family Midwife Clinic
Legal Accountability and Dispute Resolution (LADR)
Training ex-combatants in Mindanao
Lighting the Homes and Communities of Ex-Combatants
Coastal Management
Anti-Trafficking of Women and Children
Saving and Credit with Education (SCWE)

Visit USAID/PHILIPPINES link to the mission
Global Snapshots: Philippines Homepage

Mon, 09 Jun 2008 17:11:12 -0500