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Programs and Services

The Abilities Fund has a number of programs and services available to entrepreneurs, many that are open to any individual in the US with a disability. Other programs and services are available based upon your location, gender, or other factors established by our funders. Please check each program for specific eligibility guidelines.

Increasing Options Business Development
Entrepreneurs nationwide* are eligible to utilize the Increasing Options Business Development Program. A number of tools are available to participants in that program including financial literacy education and business planning. Please click on Increasing Options for Entrepreneurs to learn more about the program and services that support entrepreneurs with disabilities planning for business start up. Disability Program Navigators may click on Increasing Options for Disability Navigators to learn more about tools available exclusively to DPN's.

Nebraska Self Employment Services

Nebraska Self Employment Services is available to residents who are active clients of Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation Services. Please click on Nebraska Self Employment Services to learn more about the programs and to view contact information for our Nebraska staff.


Lending is a primary service of The Abilities Fund. As the leading microloan program in the US specializing in loans to businesses owned by individuals with disabilities, The Abilities Fund has loan capital from $500 - $25,000 available to qualified individuals through our partner, Accion USA. For individuals that do not have adequate collateral, The Abilities Fund will secure the loan with Accion USA or any other lender of choice for up to $5,000. Please click on Lending to learn more about our loan products and the application process.

Please note that business activity that includes weapons sales, real estate development, money lending or financing, multi-level marketing programs, illegal or polluting activities, or adult businesses are not eligible uses of loan funds.

Women and Company® Microenterprise Boost Program

Since 2006, The Abilities Fund has worked with Women and Company® Microenterprise Boost Program, a program of the Citigroup Foundation, to distribute business expansion grants to women with disabilities. Please click on Women and Company® Microenterprise Boost Program and read about the fabulous recipients who were each awarded $2,000 grants. Check back regularly for information about this grant opportunity and others that may be available.

 * The states of Arkansas, Kentucky, Nevada, North Dakota, Wyoming do not participate in the Disability Program Navigator initiative. Consequently, The Abilities Fund cannot provide a loan guarantee for individuals in those states.

© 2006-2008 The Abilities Fund