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Succeeding in College and at Work: Students with Disabilities Tell Their Stories

Watch Students Tell Their Stories

Danielle   Alexander

Valeska   Santara

In the videos, students with disabilities share strategies to successfully stay in school, graduate and get jobs. Students reveal their struggles with self-reporting their disability, and negotiating accommodations in school and at work. DVDs are available upon request.

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Danielle's Story This link opens a new browser window.

Born missing a limb from her elbow, Danielle always wanted to be a nurse. While in college, Danielle is told by the Dean of Nursing she cannot be a nurse. Watch Danielle find ways to succeed in nursing school, graduate and land a job as a pediatric nurse (9:42).

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Alexander's Story This link opens a new browser window.

Now an engineer at Mathworks, he developed a visual impairment while an infant. Alexander tells all-how he covered up his disability all the way to junior high. His cover up was discovered by his teacher and it changed his life. While in high school, Alexander decides on going to college. He shares his strategies for deciding on going to the university with the most supportive disability services. (7:12)

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Valeska's Story This link opens a new browser window.

At age three, Valeska’s parents were told she would never graduate from college. Valeska struggled in school all her life. After many years of dropping in and out of school, Valeska, now an older student with a learning disability finds ways to succeed in college. (9:34)

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Santara's Story This link opens a new browser window.

A college student with Spina bifida and Borderline Personality explains the process of negotiating classroom accommodations that make the difference in her academic success at school (7:48)

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