ADA Tutorial
Title II of Americans with Disabilities Act
Project of the DBTAC National Network of ADA Centers
Toll-Free ADA Hotline 1-800-949-4232 (voice/tty)

ADA Title II Tutorial Overview and Login

$FREE tutorial and education credit!
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Introduction from State ADA Coordinator

Dear Colleagues:

We are excited to launch this tutorial about the requirements applicable to State and Local government under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

As you know, successful ADA coordination and implementation requires a strong commitment from government leaders to ensure that our programs, services and activities are readily accessible to individuals with disabilities. This commitment involves ensuring that those officials responsible for ADA compliance possess the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to be successful in their duties.

It is our hope that this tutorial will open a new frontier for transmitting information and sharing resources. Through the Internet, we are not bound by geographical limits. We can educate, inform and generate interest about the ADA to State and Local governments, as well as those individuals they serve, throughout our Nation.

We expect this tutorial will be a valuable educational tool to orient ADA coordinators to their roles and how to address key ADA-related areas. As you work through the nine modules, consider how implementing the requirements of the ADA, a civil rights law, is the direct route to creating a customer-oriented culture that includes individuals with disabilities.

We ask that each of you take the time to register for the ADA Title II Tutorial - $FREE, learn more about the tutorial, and share at any time your feedback, questions, and ideas on the tutorial. We also encourage you to utilize the resources referenced throughout this tutorial, especially the following:

National ADA Symposium and Expo

June 8-10, 2009
Kansas City, Missouri

Find Your DBTAC: ADA Center

New England ADA Center: Connecticut, Maine, Massachussetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont Northeast ADA Center: New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands Mid-Atlantic ADA Center: Delaware, DC, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia Southeast ADA Center: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, Tennessee Great Lakes ADA Center: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin Southwest ADA Center: Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas Great Plains ADA Center: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska Rocky Mountain ADA Center: Colorado, Montana, North and South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming Pacific ADA Center: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada Northwest ADA Center: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington Northwest ADA Center: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington Pacific ADA Center: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada Region 2: New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands Pacific ADA Center: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada DBTAC National Network of ADA Centers Select a state from U.S. map to find your DBTAC: ADA Center

Text links to find your DBTAC: ADA Centers:


Special thanks to the DBTAC National Network of ADA Centers - external web site and the DBTAC: Southeast ADA Center - external web site for their expertise and commitment to this project. This tutorial serves to demonstrate again how the DBTAC: ADA Centers are an indispensable resource for ADA professionals across the Nation.

We are very excited about all the possibilities that this tutorial has to offer and we thank everyone for their input into launching this project.

Best Regards,

Mike Galifianakis, ADA Coordinator for the State of Georgia