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Sail Boats
How to Anchor Safely...
A properly anchored boat - note the large float.
Every boat should have an anchor on board, and every boater should know how to use it. Anchoring isn't as easy as just "tossing it over the side." In fact, an improperly anchored boat can sink within seconds. Here are some tips to anchor safely.
  • Keep your anchor handy and ready to use. In the event of motor trouble, you may need to deploy your anchor in a matter of seconds to keep from entering treachorous waters, log jams or other life-threatening hazards. A basket or mesh bag is a good way to keep your anchor line from entangling other equipment.
  • Use the correct type of anchor for your situation. On many rivers with strong currents, anglers favor the "rocking chair" type anchor. Mushroom, pyramid or other heavy anchors are adequate on lakes and may be suitable for drift boats on rivers. Anchors, like the rocking chair, the Danforth, the plow and similar designs, are designed to dig into the gravel, silt or sand and should have 5-10 feet of chain above the the anchor to help it set properly. For boats 18 feet and under, a 3/8 inch nylon line is adequate anchor line.
  • Image courtesy of USACEUse anchor lines that are 5-7 times the depth of the water. River depth may exceed 100 feet in some places on the Columbia. Use a float for the anchor line to serve as a buffer and to reduce the risk of getting the anchor line tangled in the propeller. See the diagram above.
    a) Lower, do not throw, the anchor to avoid tangles in the line
    b) Anchor only off the point of the bow. Anchoring off the stern or the side will capsize your boat.
  • NEVER anchor from the stern. The boat can be pulled under in seconds, just like a fish diver, in even a moderate current. Never allow your anchor rope to become entangled in your out-drive or outboard motor - the same thing will happen. Keep a sharp knive handy and cut the line if this occurs. Your life and your boat are worth more than the anchor.
  • Consider a quick-release cleat on your bow to hook your anchor line through. Watch for floating debris up-river that could ride up your anchor line and sink your vessel. Products are available that will release the anchor line under heavy stress and prevent your boat from sinking. A float on the end of your line will help you retrieve it.
  • Power upstream of anchor before retrieving it. Maintain position in line with flow of the current while retrieving anchor. Turning cross-wise to the current increases the risk of capsizing.
  • Larger rivers can become turbulent with little or no warning. You are advised to wear a Coast Guard approved personal flotation device (PFD) at all times. Also, take precautions against hypothermia. River temperatures can range from 70 degrees in the summer to near freezing during the winter.
  • River users are reminded that although it is legal to anchor in the channel, it is illegal to block the right-of-way of a vessel that is restricted to using the channel.
  • Five blasts of a horn signify danger and you must take action to avoid that danger.

Page updated: August 31, 2007

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