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Flash News Scroller Wizard

Flash News Scroller Wizard is a tool that allows you to design your text scroller in a few minutes and instantly see the results. Flash News Scroller is a highly configurable vertical text scroller and vertical news ticker. Creating the text scroller - flash ticker will take a few minutes using the Flash News Scroller Wizard.

ScriptOcean Flash Menu Wizard

ScriptOcean Flash Menu is an extremely powerful, highly customizable and easy to implement flash web menu solution for web site navigation. A visual editor guides you through the set-up process of the flash menu. ScriptOcean Flash Menu Wizard is a tool that allows you to design your Flash based vertical menu in a few minutes and instantly see the results. The vertical web menu supports embedded fonts and you can format text color, size, weight and alignment. You can control the appearance of your menus with a mix of text, backgrounds and interactive collapsed/expanded icons.

Click here to see a flash menu sample

Flash Text Scroller Wizard

Flash Text Scroller Wizard is a tool that allows you to design your text scroller in a few minutes and instantly see the results. Flash Text Scroller is a highly configurable vertical text scroller and vertical news ticker. Creating the text scroller will take a few minutes using the Flash Text Scroller Wizard. This text scroller features smooth scrolling, URL links, configurable background color, and basic html tags. This is a cross-browser text scroller - news ticker solution for your web sites.

Click here to see a sample

Horizontal Flash Menu Wizard

Horizontal Flash Menu Wizard is a tool that allows you to design your Flash based horizontal menu in a few minutes and instantly see the results. Horizontal Flash Menu Wizard allows only single level sub menus.

Click here to see a sample

DHTML News Ticker Wizard

DHTML News Ticker is a highly configurable, single line dhtml news ticker. Cool effects range from horizontal scrolling, wiping, and fading! The dhtml news ticker wizard / builder / maker / creator gives you regular control over the content and behavior of your dhtml news ticker, and allows for fast deployment of dhtml news ticker driven web pages.

Flash Popup Menu Wizard

Flash Popup Menu Wizard is a tool that allows you to design your Flash based popup menu in a few minutes and instantly see the results. The program gives you complete control over appearance of your menus, including options for specifying font, font size, icons, colors, dimensions, and more in a easy-to-use interface. Flash Popup Menu doesn't use any image for menus. Flash Popup Menu Wizard can embed a font in a menu movie. By using an embedded font, the font is delivered with the movie and the movie can always display the font, regardless of what fonts your end users may or may not have installed in their systems. User can define icons and associate them with menu links.

Click here to see a flash menu sample

Javascript Slideshow

Scriptocean Javascript Slideshow is an image slideshow dhtml / javascript script wizard. Features 7 different slideshow effects.

Click here to see a sample

DHTML Menu Wizard

DHTML Menu Wizard is a tool that allows you to design your dhtml menu in minutes and instantly see the results. Creating the dhtml menu will take less than a minute using the DHTML Menu Wizard. This is a cross-browser menu that stays static on the left of your screen, even as the surfer scrolls. You can save your dhtml menu to a file and open it later for editing. The dhtml menu builder help you insert your dhtml menu into a web page easily.

Flash Text Fader Wizard

Flash Text Fader Wizard is a tool that allows you to design your text fader in a few minutes and instantly see the results. The text fader fades in and out custom formatted messages. The flash ticker supports basic html tags. It can be news ticker solution for your web sites.

Click here to see a sample

Some Samples    Javascript menu script    Dhtml Menu Builder    DHTML News Scroller

Java Applets    News Ticker