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Continuing Education Requirements
All real estate licensees (principal brokers, affiliated brokers, sole practitioner brokers and property managers) renewing an active license must complete at least 30 hours of continuing education during the preceding two license years. At least 15 hours must be in one or more of the
required topics as determined by the Real Estate Commissioner and listed below.

Course Approval
The Oregon Real Estate Agency does not approve continuing education courses or instructors. Continuing education is approved by the certifying licensee.

A “certifying licensee” is a principal broker or property manager who signs a statement on the Agency’s Continuing Education Certification form  certifying that an affiliated licensee has completed the required continuing education. Principal brokers, sole practitioner brokers and unaffiliated property managers self-certify their own continuing education.

Licensees are encouraged to discuss the acceptability of a course with their certifying licensee prior to taking a course.

With approval from the certifying licensee, Agency-approved post-license courses can meet continuing education requirements. These courses include Brokerage Administration and Sales Supervision, and Advanced Real Estate Practices.

Course Requirements
Real Estate-Oriented
Continuing education must be “real estate-oriented.” The term “real estate-oriented” is defined by the certifying licensee; however, courses related to personal skills such as time management, and routine meetings and luncheons cannot be considered real estate-oriented.

Courses must be a minimum of one hour.  Meal or rest breaks do not count.  A licensee may receive partial clock hour credits for courses that are longer than one hour.

Required Topics
Licensees may choose from topics on the list, taking a few hours in each topic, 15 hours in just one topic, or all 30 hours in required course topics. The certifying licensee determines what topic or topics a course covers, and how many hours can be certified. The required topics are:
  • Trust Accounts
  • Misrepresentation
  • Anti-Trust
  • Rule and Law Update
  • Property Management
  • Commercial Brokerage and Leasing
  • Real Estate Taxation
  • Agency
  • Fair Housing
  • Contracts
  • Evaluation of Property
  • Brokerage Management
  • Land
  • Business Ethics

Repeated Courses
Licensees cannot receive credit for taking the same course more than once within the same two-year licensing period.

Out-of-State Courses
A certifying licensee may approve continuing education courses completed outside of Oregon, but only for content related to the practice of real estate in Oregon.

Certification Guidelines
In certifying a continuing education course, the certifying licensee should consider the totality of the information provided and the content of the class. Additionally, the certifying licensee may consider other criteria including, but not limited to:
  • Evidence of instructor’s qualifications to teach the course
  • A review of the course content to assure it is current and accurate, the learning objectives for the course, and whether the course content fulfills the learning objectives
  • Whether means of measuring learning outcome, such as assignments or a final exam, are included
  • Whether students have a means of evaluating the course and instructor
For non-traditional (audio and video tapes, internet, CD-ROM, etc.) courses:
  • Whether the course offers operational or electronic security measures
  • The ability of the student to interact with an instructor or to access other resources to support their learning
  • Whether the learning environment is explained in advance of the course
  • Whether the course includes a proctored final exam
In determining the number of hours to approve for a non-traditional course, a certifying licensee may consider:
  • The number of questions in the final exam, with a minimum standard of 10 questions per hour of credit
  • The number of pages for internet, computer-based training, CD-ROM and book courses, with a minimum standard of 10 pages per hour of credit
  • The clock hours elapsed for videocassette, audio tape and teleconference courses

When a licensee completes a course, the Certificate of Attendance  is given to the certifying licensee to be signed. Certifying licensees then retain the Certificates of Attendance for six years. The Agency recommends that licensees make copies of certificates for their own records.
Certifying licensees are required to provide copies of the Certificates of Attendance upon request by an affiliated licensee or the Agency.

License Renewal
When a licensee renews an active license, the certifying licensee signs the Continuing Education Certification form stating that the required continuing education has been completed. Certification forms are kept by the certifying licensee for six years. Do not send Certificates of Attendance or the certification form to the Agency.

Advanced Real Estate Practices
New Oregon brokers must take the 30-hour Advanced Real Estate Practices (AP) course for their fisrt license renewal.
The AP course requirement is separate from continuing education requirements.  Principal brokers may let affiliated brokers use the AP course to meet the continuing education requirements for license renewal. 
Principal brokers, sole practitioner brokers and property managers are not required to take the AP course.
When affiliated brokers complete the AP course, the course certificate must be given to their principal broker. These certificates should be maintained as they are for continuing education.

Course Availability
The following is a list of possible sources of continuing education to assist licensees in meeting their license renewal requirements. The Agency does not maintain a list of available courses.  This information is offered to provide a basis by which licensees can begin their own searches. This list is by no means complete, nor is it a guarantee of course availability. The Agency advises licensees to consult with their certifying licensee prior to taking any course.

Inactive Licensees
Licensees renewing an inactive license are exempt from the continuing education requirements.
However, to reactivate an inactive license, the licensee must complete 30 hours of continuing education within the two years prior to reactivation. (The AP course may be required if activating your license for the first time.)

Medical Exemption
The Commissioner may waive the continuing education requirements for a licensee who submits satisfactory evidence of the inability to attend such courses because of health circumstances.

Oregon Revised Statutes 696.174
Oregon Administrative Rule 863-015-0055

Page updated: April 04, 2008

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