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About Us
Mission Statement
Our mission is to protect and benefit public health and safety; and promote quality in the psychology profession.
We are committed to ensuring that Oregon consumers receive psychological services that are ethical and competent.
We are rooted in responding to issues affecting the health and safety of the public.
We strive for a tradition of decisions that are appropriate and fair.
We are available and invite participation in our mission of protecting and benefiting the public.
Annual Performance Measures

The Oregon Board of Psychologist Examiners (OBPE) was created for the purpose of examining and licensing all persons in Oregon who engage in the practice of psychology. The Board is also charged with safeguarding " the people of the State of Oregon from the dangers of unqualified and improper practice of psychology."
Practicing psychology means rendering or offering to render supervision, consultation, evaluation or therapy services to individuals, groups or organizations for the purpose of diagnosing or treating behavioral, emotional or mental disorders.
It is unlawful to practice psychology or represent oneself as a psychologist without first being properly licensed by the OBPE. To "represent oneself as a psychologist" means to use any terminology, title or description of services incorporating the words "psychology," "psychological," "psychotherapy," or "psychologist," or to offer or render to individuals or to groups of individuals services included in the practice of psychology.
The Board consists of seven members. Five members are licensed psychologists; and two members are from the general public, not associated with the profession. All members are appointed by the Governor to three-year terms and confirmed by the Senate. The Board hires staff to administer all official business. The Board meets approximately every five to six weeks, usually at its offices in Salem. The Board is funded solely from fees derived from the licenses it issues and by collection of fines and penalties assessed for violations of statute or rule. Decisions are made in open public meetings where guests are encouraged to attend.
The Board carries out its mission through three major programs areas: Examination of Applicants; Licensure and Continuing Education; and Consumer Protection. Through the examination of applicants, the Board accomplishes its legislative mandate to establish standards of service and training and educational qualifications for the rendering of ethical psychological services in Oregon. Because the Board believes that regular continuing education ensures the highest quality of professional services to the public, the Board requires that all licensed Psychologists and Psychologist Associates complete fifty hours of continuing education, with a minimum of four in the professional ethics of psychologists. The Board protects consumers by promptly investigating all complaints made concerning either the unethical or unlicensed practice of psychology in Oregon.
Licensure requires licensees, as public officials, to follow state requirements for reporting child abuse; to reveal intent to commit a crime or harmful act; and prohibits the disclosure of any other communication without consent (except in certain legal/investigatory situations).
Please contact the Board’s office if you would like more information or have questions.
Page updated: August 29, 2007

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