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U.S. Marshals Service

  U.S. Marshals Service >> Fugitive Investigations >> International Investigations
International Investigations
The U.S. Marshals Service has been designated by the Department of Justice as the primary agency to apprehend fugitives that are wanted by foreign nations and believed to be in the United States. Also, the Marshals Service is the primary agency responsible for tracking and extraditing fugitives who are apprehended in foreign countries and wanted for prosecution in the United States. The U.S. Marshals Service, which has statutory responsibility for all international, federal and state extraditions, sees to it that there is no safe haven for criminals who flee the territorial boundaries of the United States.

There Will Be No Safe Haven For Fugitives

Foreign Offices

Mexico City, Mexico Foreign Office

Mexico City, Mexico

Kingston, Jamaica Foreign Office

Kingston, Jamaica

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Foreign Office

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Liaison Positions

  • Interpol - United States Central Bureau
  • Interpol - Lyon, France
  • Department of Justice, Office of International Affairs
  • Diplomatic Security Service
International Fugitives
(Extra-territorial investigations)

The U.S. Marshals Service defines international fugitives as, fugitives wanted in the United States who have fled to foreign countries to avoid prosecution or incarceration.  Interaction with numerous law enforcement agencies and representatives of foreign governments is  daily occurrence.  The U.S. Marshals Service is constantly networking to establish and improve relationships with foreign governments to enhance its ability to apprehend fugitives seeking refuge in foreign countries. 

In 2003, the U.S. Marshals Service opened field offices in Mexico City, Mexico; Kingston, Jamaica; and Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.  The focus of these offices is to coordinate U.S. Marshals Service fugitive investigations with law enforcement in each country to coordinate arrests, extraditions, and deportations.  In addition, the U.S. Marshals Service develops on-going training programs for these countries in fugitive investigation techniques and officer survival.


Foreign Fugitives
(Criminals from foreign countries believed to be in the United States)

The U.S. Marshals Service has been designated by the Department of Justice as the primary agency to apprehend fugitives who are wanted by foreign nations and believed to be in the United States.  Cases are referred to the Marshals Service through Interpol, the Department of Justice, Office of International Affairs; and through foreign embassies in the United States. 

Criminals from foreign countries often commit crimes in the United States, therefore, foreign fugitive apprehension is an extremely important mission to the U.S. Marshals Service and the Department of Justice.


International Extraditions

The U.S. Marshals Service is responsible for carrying out extraditions to the United States from foreign countries and for supporting extraditions to foreign countries from the United States: a complex task involving coordination among the Department of Justice, Office of International Affairs; the State Department, foreign governments, U.S. embassies, and U.S. Marshals Service district offices.  The extradition process involves country clearance, threat assessments and security arrangements, travel arrangements, and any necessary medical assessment and accommodations.  In fiscal year 2006, the U.S. Marshals Service coordinated 685 extraditions/deportations.