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DOJ Seal

FY2005 Budget and Performance Summary

(Dollars in thousands)

    Pos. FTE Amount
2003 Obligations   3,122 2,985 $368,463
2004 Appropriation Enacted (without Rescission)   4,299 4,061 556,465
  2004 Rescission -- Reduction applied to DOJ (0.465%)     -12 -2,588
  2004 Rescission -- Government-wide reduction (0.59%)   0 -13 -3,268
2004 Appropriation Enacted (with Rescission)   4,299 4,036 550,609
2005 Total Request   4,532 4,340 580,632
  Change 2005 from 2004   233 304 30,023
Adjustments to Base        
  2005 Pay Raise (1.5 Percent)   0 0 3,471
  Employee Performance   0 0 463
  Annualization of 2004 Pay Raise  (2.0 Percent)   0 0 1,110
  Annualization of 2004 Pay Raise Additional (2.1 Percent) Increase   0 0 1,166
  Annualization of 2004 Increases   0 199 14,739
  WCF Telecommunications and E-mail rate increase for 2005   0 0 3
  Subtotal, Increases   0 199 20,952
  Non-recurring Decreases   0 -12 -14,839
  Subtotal, Decreases   0 -12 -14,839
  Net, Adjustments to Base   0 187 6,113
2005 Current Services   4,299 4,223 556,722
Program Improvements by Strategic Goal:        
Goal 2:  Enforce Federal Laws and Represent the Rights and Interests of the American People        
  233 117 25,076
  Program Offsets..   0 0 -1,166
  Net, Program Improvements/Offsets   233 117 23,910
2005 Total Request   4,532 4,340 580,632
  Change 2005 from 2004   233 304 30,023


(Dollars in thousands)

    2004 Appropriation Enacted 
(w/ Rescission)
2005 Current Services 2005 Request Program Improvements/Offsets
Comparison by activity and program   Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount
1. Investigations                          
Department of Justice:                          
Drug Enforcement Administration   1,358 1,270 $174,822 1,358 1,357 $176,605 1,390 1,374 $179,692 32 17 $3,087
Federal Bureau of Investigation   994 937 136,138 994 988 135,168 1,016 998 137,249 22 10 2,081
U.S. Marshals Service   13 13 2,146 13 13 2,138 41 27 6,497 28 14 4,359
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives   54 54 11,477 54 54 11,339 54 54 11,343 0 0 4
Department of Homeland Security:                          
Immigration & Customs Enforcement   388 384 47,798 388 384 47,423 396 388 47,849 8 4 426
U.S. Coast Guard   0 0 625 0 0 613 0 0 613 0 0 0
Department of Treasury                          
  Internal Revenue Service   496 471 73,256 496 489 74,652 525 503 79,193 29 14 4,541
    3,303 3,129 446,262 3,303 3,285 447,938 3,422 3,344 462,436 119 59 14,498
2 Prosecutions                          
U.S. Attorneys   968 881 100,638 968 908 104,821 1,082 966 114,240 114 58 9,419
Criminal Division   18 18 2,715 18 22 2,976 18 22 2,971 0 0 -5
Tax Division   10 8 994 10 8 987 10 8 985 0 0 -2
Subtotal   996 907 104,347 996 938 108,784 1,110 996 118,196 114 58 9,412
Grand Total   4,299 4,036 550,609 4,299 4,223 556,722 4,532 4,340 580,632 233 117 23,910
Consistent with the Government Performance and Results Act, the 2005 budget proposes to merge construction funds into the Salaries and Expenses Account and streamline the ICDE's decision unit structure from 4 program activities to 2 to align ICDE's budget more closely with the mission and strategic objectives contained in the DOJ Strategic Plan (FY 2003-2008).  In addition, the budget has been realigned to reflect ICDE's outputs and full costs by major program activity, including the costs of management and administration, so that a more accurate picture of total activity costs is reflected in the budget.  In this way, budget and performance are more closely linked, and provide a better basis on which to make budget decisions.  Over time, agencies will be expected to identify effective outcome measures, monitor their progress, and accurately present the associated costs. 
Program Improvements by Strategic Goal                      
Goal 2: Enforce Federal Laws and Represent the Rights and Interests of the American People 233 117 $25,076
1.  Assistant U.S. Attorney Workforce                      
OCDETF requests 113 positions (71 attorneys), 57 workyears, and $9,623,000 to address the staffing imbalances that exist in approximately 52 judicial districts nationwide in which the ratio of OCDETF law enforcement personnel to prosecutors greatly exceeds the recommended ratio for the successful investigation and prosecution of a typical OCDETF case.  This request represents the first phase of a four-year plan to achieve a ratio of 1 Assistant U.S. Attorney for every 4.5 investigative agents.  Total FY 2005 base resources for this initiative are 965 positions, 905 workyears, and $103,790,000.      
2.  OCDETF Fugitive Apprehension                
OCDETF requests 28 positions (26 agents), 14 workyears, and $4,320,000 to increase the capacity of the U.S. Marshals Service to identify and apprehend OCDETF fugitives.  This enhancement will establish fugitive apprehension units within each of the 9 OCDETF regions.  Total FY 2005 base resources for this initiative are 13 positions, 13 workyears, and $2,117,000      
3.  Fusion Center Operational Support                      
OCDETF requests 60 positions (26 agents), 30 workyears, and $6,344,000 to support and expand the capacity of the Fusion Center to analyze drug trafficking and related financial investigative information and to disseminate investigative leads to OCDETF participants.  This initiative provides resources to DEA, FBI, and the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to be assigned to the DEA Special Operations Division, as well as the field, to coordinate and conduct nationwide investigations generated as a result of analysis by Fusion Center personnel.      
4.  OCDETF Accountability & Oversight                      
OCDETF requests 4 positions, 2 workyears, and $316,000 to implement and support an accountability system at the district, regional and national levels.  This initiative will allow OCDETF to ensure that OCDETF resources remain focused on activities that futher the Program's mission and achieve measurable results.  This is a new initiative.      
5.  Increase IRS Participation in OCDETF                      
OCDETF requests 28 positions (24 agents), 14 workyears, and $4,473,000 to increase the overall IRS participation in OCDETF, allowing IRS to participate in 61 percent of OCDETF investigations with an active financial component.  Total FY 2005 base resources for this initiative are 494 positions, 487 workyears, and $73,918,000      
Program Offsets 0 0 -$1,166
The President's 2004 budget requested a 2 percent average pay raise for federal workers in 2004.  However, the FY 2004 Consolidated Appropriations Act includes language granting civilian federal employees a 4.1 percent average pay raise in 2004.  The FY 2005 budget request reflects the higher pay raise.  ICDE proposes to offset the additional $1,166,000 in annualization costs through management efficiencies within Other Services      
Net, Program Improvements/Offsets, Interagency Crime and Drug Enforcement 233 117 23,910


(Dollars in thousands)

      New Decision Unit Structure  
    2004 Appropriation Enacted
  (w/ Rescission)
Investigations Prosecutions Realigned 2005 Base
Current Decision Unit Structure
Comparison by activity and program
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount
1. Law Enforcement                          
DEA   1,304 1,228 $166,764 1,358 1,270 $174,822       1,358 1,270 $174,822
FBI   806 774 113,493 994 937 136,138       994 937 $136,138
INS 117 115 16,498                  
Customs   270 268 30,826                  
BICE         388 384 47,798       388 384 $47,798
USMS   13 13 2,125 13 13 2,146       13 13 $2,146
ATF   54 54 11,363 54 54 11,477       54 54 $11,477
IRS   494 469 72,530 496 471 73,256       496 471 $73,256
U.S. Coast Guard       619     625           $625
 Subtotal   3,058 2,921 414,218 3,303 3,129 446,262       3,303 3,129 446,262
2. Drug Intelligence                          
DEA.   50 38 6,324                  
FBI   184 159 21,295                  
Subtotal   234 197 27,619                  
3. Prosecutions                          
U.S. Attorneys.   965 878 99,640       968 881 100,638 968 881 $100,638
Criminal Division   18 18 2,688       18 18 2,715 18 18 $2,715
Tax Division   10 8 984       10 8 994 10 8 $994
Subtotal. 993 904 103,312       996 907 104,347 996 907 104,347
4. Administrative Office   14 14 5,460                  
Grand Total   4,299 4,036 550,609 3,303 3,129 446,262 996 907 104,347 4,299 4,036 550,609


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