From: Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 6:26 PM To: Subject: FILE NUMBER S7-36-02 and S7-38-02 Re: File Numbers S7-36-02 and S7-38-02 Mr. Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street NW, Washington, DC 20549-0609 Dear Secretary Katz: I am writing in support of the Securities and Exchange Commission's recently proposed rules regarding proxy voting disclosure by mutual funds and investment advisers, File Numbers S7-36-02 and S7-38-02. As a mutual fund investor, I support the institution of meaningful disclosure as a means of bolstering confidence in the equity markets, and I strongly support the recommendations set forth in these proposed rules. These rules will provide me with an opportunity to identify mutual funds and investment advisers who take their voting responsibilities seriously so that I can ensure that my investments are helping to support greater corporate accountability. Thank you for this opportunity to comment on the proposed rules, and for taking these important steps toward restoring investor confidence in the markets. Sincerely, Wayne Lammers