From: tmstaley [] Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 4:01 PM To: Subject: mutual funds October 28, 2002 Subject: File No. S7-36-02 Dear SEC Secretary, I am writing in support of the SEC's proposed rule to require mutual fund companies to disclose how they vote on corporate proxy resolutions. Since they hold all of my retirement funds, I believe I have a right to know what they are doing. I would only suggest that your proposed rule be more demanding of full disclosure as well as be fully on the side of the people who hold shares in these companies. After all, it is our tax dollars that support your organization. In the absence of public disclosure of proxy policies and proxy voting records, there is no way for me to know whether the manager of my mutual fund is acting in a manner that reflects my wishes. As a mutual fund shareholder, I want to know how my mutual fund is voting on issues that matter to me. I want potential conflicts of interest exposed. I want to know what principles will guide the mutual fund in determining how it votes in corporate proxy contests. I believe that as an owner of a mutual fund, I am entitled to know how my proxy is being voted. I urge the SEC to stand up for investors. Sincerely, Thomas M. Staley