From: Bob Tutelman [] Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 1:28 PM To: Cc: Subject: Mutual Fund Proxy Vote Disclosure Sirs: As an investor, both in individual stocks and mutual funds, I feel the proposed rule to require mutual funds to disclose their proxy votes is an important and beneficial step toward good corporate governance. In the vast majority of cases the mutual fund management will be a disinterested party in such votes. Probably in far too many cases, they have been uninterested parties, and have voted with management without much consideration. Knowing that both their investing public and the regulatory agencies will have the opportunity to scrutinize *their* governance of the funds entrusted to them will, at least, encourage considered voting; and in the few cases where temptation may exist, to discourage self-interested voting. It is unnecessary to require broad, direct (mailed) notification of this information to individual investors. Posting to a public web site is more than sufficient, and would hardly be an unreasonable burden on mutual fund management. I hope you will institute a strong rule to this effect in the immediate future. Sincerely yours, R.A. Tutelman