> From: Kumar, Punit[SMTP:KUMARP@AGNESIAN.COM] > Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 12:13:44 PM > To: 'IMOCC@sec.gov' > Subject: Mutual Funds Proxy votes > Auto forwarded by a Rule > Dear Sir or Madam, I am a individual investor like most folks and I strongly believe that mutual funds should disclose how the mutual funds and most institutional investors have voted in proxy proposals. This will bring a new era of responsibility during the proxy votes for most mutual funds. Most people like me invest in mutual funds trusting the mutual funds to do what is best for us and since we are all paying them to manage our money, it is our right to know how they have voted in corporate decision making. Are they working for us or against us? The investors in mutual funds have the right to know. -Punit Kumar, MD