From: Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 8:14 PM To: Subject: Re: File No. S7-36-02 SEC Secretary Mr. Jonathan G. Katz 450 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20549 Dear SEC Secretary Mr. Jonathan G. Katz, Re: File No. S7-36-02 Dear Mr. Katz: I am writing to express my support for the SEC's proposed rule (S7-36-02) to require mutual funds to disclose their proxy voting policies and, their proxy voting decisions. Mutual fund companies have the power to influence corporate behavior in positive and negative ways. I want my mutual fund company to cast its proxy votes to protect my interests and I feel I have a right to know how such votes are cast by those to whom I entrust my savings. Requiring mutual funds to disclose their proxy votes in an easily accessible format is the only way that investors can ensure that Fidelity and other mutual fund companies exercise their proxy voting authority to promote our interests rather than to boost their own bottom line. I urge SEC to adopt its proposed rule. Sincerely, Lola Rogers "2111 E. John, #103" Seattle, Washington 98112