From: Hunter Lovins [] Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 12:54 PM To: Subject: Please require transparency from mutual funds Dear SEC, Please reform your rules to ensure that mutual fund proxy voting become transparent Shareholders have a right to know how their mutual fund is voting. You have stated that proxy voting is a fiduciary duty of mutual funds. I agree. But you need to close the configuration. As a shareholder of a mutual fund, I have a right to know how my fund voted. Are the votes on my behalf encouraging better management? Are they encouraging greater diversity on boards of directors and more responsible environmental practices? Or are they rubberstamping Enron-like practices, unwise compensation packages or allowing companies to flee to tax havens? When voting must be reported, shareholders can track funds and managers that are encouraging better corporate accountability. When funds disclose their proxy voting policies, I will be able to judge whether they are acting in my best interests, or are whether they are just caving in to corporate pressure. Proxy voting transparency is critical to good mutual fund governance and is critical to protecting my interests. I urge you to require such transparency. Thank you for your consideration. L. Hunter Lovins