From: Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 4:58 PM To: Subject: Mutual Fund Proxy Voting Disclosures (S7-36-02) Gentlemen: As an owner of mutual funds in my personal investment accounts and in my retirerment accounts I appreciate the opportunity to comment on the issue before the SEC pertaining to the proposed requirement that mutual funds disclose to their shareholers information as to how they have voted their proxies on the stocks in their funds. I have invested in mutual funds for nearly twenty years and I have often wondered, given the clout their size of ownership gives them, why mutual funds have not been more involved in and taken greater responsibility for the management issues of the companies they own within their funds. I have also wondered why, unlike ordinary stockholders, mutual funds never seem to even acknowledge, yet alone disclose, how they vote on proxy questions. I believe it would be a VERY GOOD THING to have such disclosures from fund managers going forward, and the SEC should require mutual funds to disclose to their shareholders just how they are voting the interests of their shareholders in proxy matters. The only reason I can imagine why a fund manager would not want to disclose to his or her shareholders the record of how a proxy vote was cast on behalf of those shareholders would be some type of conflict of interest involving the the mutual fund company, its shareholders, and the managements of the individual companies contined within a mutual fund. As a shareholder in mutual funds I will always opt for more disclosure and more information! John T. Maskornick