Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 8:07 AM Subject: File No. S7-36-02 Dear SEC: I am a small investor who strongly supports the establishment of an SEC pilot program in which investors like me could readily ascertain electronically how the 100 largest mutual funds are voting on particular proxy issues. If there is not transparency for a sector of the economy that controls such a large percentage of equities in our economy, there is not another feasible way for me to evaluate whether managers of my funds are acting in my best interest. At a time when the amount of fraud, duplicity, conflicts of interest, theft of corporate funds, and fleecing of the individual investor is rampant and out of control, the investing public needs more openness and accountability to reestablish a balance in the financial markets. At the present time our financial markets look no better than those of some third world economy. Strengthening governance and accountability of both corporations and mutual funds are steps in the right direction. Sincerely, Henry J. Gwiazda, Ph.D.