December 4, 2002

Re: File Numbers S7-36-02 and S7-38-02

Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street NW,
Washington, DC 20549-0609

Dear Mr. Secretary,

I am writing to express my support for the proposed changes to the SEC rules covering disclosure of proxy votes for fund managers. I believe that we need more disclosure within this system in order to more ably protect the interests of shareholders and average investors in these funds. It is suitable to make public the knowledge of how fund managers are voting on business operations between the fund managers and the companies with whom they invest. It is very reasonable to make this disclosure a requirement. Shareholders should have the right to find out how the fund managers voted. In today's world of high stakes, white collar indiscretions, it makes good sense to provide the investors with more concrete information on who is making the top level decisions and what those decisions were. Your proposed rule # S7-36-02 would facilitate this and would strengthen investor confidence. Thank you for allowing me to make these comments. I hope that your final decision will bring about these positive changes.


Beth Wolfe
3217 San Pedro Street
Tampa, FL 33629