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Public Water System Supervision Implementation

Course List

Consumer Confidence Reports

Course Description: The purpose of the CCR training course is to provide to State and Regional staff detailed information on CCR rule requirements and the primacy revision application process. The training course also provides instruction on how to prepare and review a CCR. The training course is structured to last two days. The first day is dedicated to guidance for primacy agencies. The second day is geared toward preparing a CCR.

Sponsored by: Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, U.S. EPA, Washington, D.C.

Intended for: State, Tribal and Regional personnel

Duration: Two days.

For More Information, Contact: Lisa Christ (christ.lisa@epa.gov), 202-564-8354

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Introduction to Compliance and Enforcement Activities, part 1

Course Description: This introductory course will be most helpful for new or inexperienced personnel. It should also be very useful for state agencies that are in the process of starting new safe drinking water programs (e.g., tribes or territories) or upgrading their existing compliance programs. The course introduces students to every aspect of a compliance program, from identifying the regulated community, to assessing compliance to initiating enforcement responses. The course provides a practical guide to the day-to-day operation of a typical safe drinking water compliance program that will answer the questions every new employee is bound to ask about how the program operates to safeguard the health of public water supply users. The course is a combination of lecture-style presentation slides to provide an overview of the topics and discussion scenarios that are presented to the participants. Handouts supplement the overview with considerable additional detail on communication issues. Part 1 focuses on compliance issues.

Sponsored by: EPA, OGWDW

Intended for: new or inexperienced drinking water compliance staff

Duration: 2 hours

For More Information, Contact: Jamie Bourne (bourne.james@epa.gov), 617-918-1610

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Introduction to Compliance and Enforcement Activities, part 2

Course Description: This introductory course will be most helpful for new or inexperienced personnel. It should also be very useful for state agencies that are in the process of starting new safe drinking water programs (e.g., tribes or territories) or upgrading their existing compliance programs. The course introduces students to every aspect of a compliance program, from identifying the regulated community, to assessing compliance to initiating enforcement responses. The course provides a practical guide to the day-to-day operation of a typical safe drinking water compliance program that will answer the questions every new employee is bound to ask about how the program operates to safeguard the health of public water supply users. The course is a combination of lecture-style presentation slides to provide an overview of the topics and discussion scenarios that are presented to the participants. Handouts supplement the overview with considerable additional detail on communication issues. Part 2 focuses on enforcement issues.

Sponsored by: OGWDW

Intended for: new or inexperienced compliance and enforcement staff

Duration: 2 hours

For More Information, Contact: Jamie Bourne (bourne.james@epa.gov), 617-918-1610

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Introduction to the Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Program

Course Description: This course describes the types of water systems regulated under SDWA and how they operate. The module describes the roles of EPA, States, Tribes, and public water systems in implementing the PWSS program. The module also discusses how regulations are developed and enforced in this program. This course is also available in Spanish.

Sponsored by: Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, U.S. EPA, Washington, D.C.

Intended for: State, Tribal and EPA Regional staff and technical assistance providers.

Duration: This course can be presented in one day, or combined with other SDWA introductory modules found in this Course Catalog for a longer training session, or presented as a web conference in three hours.

For More Information, Contact: Jamie Bourne (bourne.james@epa.gov), 617-918-1610

Comments: For more information about presenting the Spanish version, contact Jamie Bourne.

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