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Kenya - Floods

Map of Kenya
Map of Kenya

Regional Team: ECA

Disaster Declared:

Brief Description:
Unusually heavy rainfall in October and November has caused widespread flooding in many parts of Coast, Western, and North Eastern provinces of Kenya. According to aid agencies, the number of people affected by the flooding ranges from 350,000 to 700,000, including 100,000 refugees at the Dadaab refugee complex in North Eastern Province. The most-affected areas are Mandera, Moyale, Marsabit, Garissa, Tano River, Kwale, Kilifi, Isiolo, Turkana, Wajir, Mombasa, and Busia districts. The U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reports an increased incidence of water-related diseases stemming from disrupted water supplies. In addition, significant damage and destruction to roads and infrastructure have disrupted access and the provision of humanitarian supplies to affected areas.  Flooding is also responsible for the destruction of crops and farmland, raising concerns over the longer term food security situation in flood-impacted regions.

On November 28, U.S. Ambassador Michael E. Ranneberger declared a disaster due to the cumulative impact of the flooding. Previously, on November 16, Ambassador Ranneberger issued a disaster declaration in response to the flooding of Dadaab refugee camp. OFDA is providing $100,000 to the Kenya Red Cross Society to support emergency relief assistance to flood victims. In addition, OFDA supports ongoing emergency assistance programs with six non-governmental organization partners and the U.N. Children’s Fund in the affected areas, targeting health and water and sanitation sectors. The OFDA regional advisor in Nairobi will continue to monitor the situation and provide additional updates as necessary.


Kenya - Floods

Regional Team: ECA

Disaster Declared:

Brief Description:
Heavy rainfall since mid-October compounded by rains between November 9 and 14 have caused widespread flooding in parts of Kenya.  In particular, the refugee camp complex at Dadaab in North Eastern Province has sustained severe damage as a result of the flooding, which has directly affected an estimated 90,000 refugees, killed 2 people, and left more than 72,000 people homeless.  In addition, significant damage and destruction to roads and infrastructure have disrupted access and the provision of humanitarian supplies to the affected camps. 
On November 16, U.S. Ambassador Michael E. Ranneberger declared a disaster due to the impact of the flooding.  The Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), U.N. World Food Program (WFP), U.N Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and their non-governmental organization partners are working to coordinate response efforts.   The Combined Joint Task Force for the Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) is considering a request made by UNHCR to assist with airlifts.  OFDA has two ongoing emergency assistance programs with CARE and UNICEF in the affected areas targeting health, water and sanitation.  The OFDA regional advisor will continue to monitor the situation and provide additional updates as necessary.

FY2007 Horn of Africa Fact Sheets


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Wed, 30 May 2007 08:13:11 -0500