Iowa Able Foundation Home Page Assistive Technology Loans: Putting Assistive Technology Within Reach  
The Iowa Able Foundation

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What is Iowa Able?

Since its inception in 1998, the Iowa Able Foundation has been offering loans to Iowans who need to purchase assistive technology such as specialized computers or software, wheelchairs, communication devices, home modifications, vehicle modifications and other devices.

This site will allow you to learn more about Iowa Able loan programs and apply for a loan.  Follow these links for more information:


Iowa Able Foundation Board Members

Lisa Baker 
Bankers Trust
Heather Armstrong
Iowa Finance Authority
David Lenz 
Iowa Department of the Blind
Becky Harker
Governor's Developmental Disabilities Council

Amy Mikelson 
Iowa Program for Assistive Technology, Center for Disabilities and Development, University of Iowa
Brian Smith
Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Iowa
Nicki Stajcar 
Iowa Department of Elder Affairs
Alan Swanson
Blank & McCune, The Real Estate Company
The Iowa Able Foundation
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