Record Particle Flows into Earth's Upper Atmosphere

  • Credit

    NASA/NOAA/University of Michigan

Halloween Solar Storms from SOHO/EIT and SOHO/LASCO

The NOAA POES Satellite Detects Record Particle Flows into the Earth's Upper Atmosphere

This movie is a combination of SOHO/EIT at 195 Angstroms as well as the LASCO/C2 and C3 cameras. At this scale we can see the flashes from solar flares in SOHO/EIT (green) and the subsequent coronal mass ejections in SOHO/LASCO/C2 (red) and SOHO/LASCO/C3 (blue). This movie is synchronized to play with animation IDs 2960 ( and 2959 ( For more information on how X-ray solar flares are classified (B, C, M, X), visit (

This set of still images from the NOAA/POES satellite are derived from measurements by particle detectors in low Earth orbit. The data are sampled along the orbit track and then interpolated in time and position for the rest of the polar region. This interpolation is responsible for the curved block-shaped artifacts in the images.

The particle flux increases dramatically over the polar cap, as they are carried Earthward along the magetic field lines.


  • Sensor

  • Animation ID

  • Video ID

  • Start Timecode

  • End Timecode

  • Animator

    Tom Bridgman
  • Studio

  • Writer

    William Steigerwald
  • Visualization Date

  • Scientist

    Xiaohua Fang (University of Michigan), David Evans (NOAA/SEC)
  • DLESE Subject

    Space science
  • Animation Type
