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Threatened & Endangered


About PLANTS Threatened & Endangered

PLANTS T&E provides access to state and federally protected plants. You can view any of the following kinds of T&E plant lists, each with names linked to plant profiles:

  • The federal list
  • The federal list for one or more states
  • A state list
  • A state list for multiple states
  • A federal and state combination list

PLANTS T&E selects state protected plants based on where the plants are protected, not on geographical distribution or endangerment status. If you want to select plants based on these criteria--for example, all the plants that occur in Georgia that are listed as endangered by any legal jurisdiction--please use the Advanced Search. However, PLANTS T&E selects federal protected plants by state based on geographical distribution, so a report of federal and state protected plants for Georgia lists the federal protected plants that occur in Georgia and the plants that are protected by the state of Georgia.

Please keep in mind that not all states have laws that protect plants, so of course there are no lists for those states. Also, we include some plants with state designations such as extirpated or historical since these are listed by the states, but these plants may not receive protection. You may want to check details for these states by clicking on the reference links that are available for each jurisdiction.

Finally, if a listed plant is a synonym in plants, endangerment status is reported for the listed plant and the PLANTS accepted counterpart is also given.


Key to codes used in the Threatened & Endangered Module

Code   Description
CE   Commercially Exploited
E   Endangered
EV   Exploitably Vulnerable
X   Extirpated
FP   Fully Protected
HR   Harvest Restricted
HS   Highly Safeguarded
H   Historical
PX   Possibly Extirpated
PRX   Presumed Extirpated
PREX   Probably Extirpated
PE   Proposed Endangered
CY   Protected as a Cactus, Yucca, or Christmas tree
R   Rare
RI   Reintroduced
SA   Salvage Assessed
SR   Salvage restricted
S   Sensitive
SC   Special Concern
T   Threatened
U   Unusual
V   Vulnerable
WL   Watch list


Time Generated: 09/21/2008 03:51 AM MDT