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Take the FDA Consumer Quiz

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How is your knowledge of health topics such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, infertility, the flu, and deep vein thrombosis?  Find out by taking our quiz.

(Hint: The answers to all these questions can be found in the November-December 2004 issue of
FDA Consumer.)

Take any of our past quizzes

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1. Scientific evidence shows that attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is caused by:

a. poor parenting

b. high sugar intake

c. consuming food additives

d. excessive TV viewing

e. none of the above

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2. The cure for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is:

a. FDA-approved medications

b. behavioral therapy

c. a combination of a and b

d. brain surgery

e. There is no cure, but medications and behavioral therapy can help treat the symptoms.

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3. Children who take a prescribed dose of a stimulant to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder:

a. eventually become addicted

b. have no side effects at all

c. may grow at a slower pace

d. have an increased appetite

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4. According to the American Heart Association, how many Americans develop deep vein thrombosis – a blood clot in a vein deep within the muscles – every year?

a. 1 in 500

b. 1 in 1,000

c. 1 in 5,000

d. 1 in 20,000

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5. Most cases of pulmonary embolism are caused by blood clots that travel to the lungs after forming where?

a. in the legs

b. in the feet

c. in the abdomen

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6. How many Americans face infertility?

a. 2 million

b. 4 million

c. 6 million

d. 8 million

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7. At what age does a woman’s fertility start to decrease?

a. mid 20s

b. early 30s

c. late 30s

d. early 40s

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8. When FDA plans to issue a new regulation or revise an existing one, it places an announcement in the:

a. Code of Federal Regulations

b. FDA Almanac

c. Federal Register

d. FDA Consumer

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9. Certain groups that are at higher risk for flu complications should get flu shots first this season. Which of these groups is not in the high-risk category?

a. people over 65

b. school teachers

c. babies 6 months to 23 months

d. health care workers

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10. What is the main federal agency supporting biodefense research in the United States?

a. the Food and Drug Administration

b. the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

c. the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

d. the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

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Your Score is:


9 to 10 points: Excellent! Go to the head of the class.
6 to 8 points: Not too bad. You can skip cleaning the chalkboard erasers today.
5 points and below: Oops! Stay after school and reread the appropriate chapters.

Go to the Answers Page

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