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Enhancing public health surveillance through electronic data exchange
NEDSS is the surveillance portion of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention Public Health Information Network (PHIN). Our mission is to better manage and enhance public health surveillance through electronic data exchange.

Through promotion of data standards and architectural specifications NEDSS facilitates data sharing among clinical settings, local and state health departments and laboratories. When completed NEDSS will electronically integrate and link together a wide variety of surveillance activities and will facilitate more secure, accurate, and timely reporting of disease information to CDC and state and local health departments.
Surveillance systems collect and monitor data for disease trends and/or outbreaks so that public health personnel can protect the nation's health.
More about NEDSS
Disease Reporting
By law, Oregon labs must report all test results "indicative of and specific for" specified identified diseases, infections, microorganisms, and
conditions. These results include microbiological culture, isolation,
or identification; assays for specific antibodies; and identification
of specific antigens, toxins, or nucleic acid sequences.

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