United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Louisville, Kentucky

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CARES Decision
Louisville, KY VA Medical Center
The Secretary has reviewed the Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services (CARES) study contractor’s Stage 1 report and the recommendations of the Local Advisory Panel (LAP) and concluded that no Stage 2 analysis is needed to complete the study. The Secretary has concluded that the Stage 1 Report validates the need for a replacement hospital and identified several site locations that allow for collaboration with the University of Louisville and co- location with VBA. Veterans Health Administration (VHA) will move the planning for a new medical center into its capital planning process by initiating a Site Selection Board to decide where to place a new hospital, completing the CARES Business Plan Study.

CLICK HERE FOR THE LOUISVILLE STAGE 1 REPORT, which includes details regarding the Louisville study site, market health care demand, options reviewed by the contractor, and final recommendations. The Louisville Stage I Report has been revised (As of August 10, 2006) as follows: On page 17 of the report a change was made in Table 7. The 2023 projection for "Psychiatry & Substance Abuse" was corrected from 44 to 34 beds. This did not affect the 2023 Projected Total of 138.


These documents are provided in PDF format for downloading and local reproduction. Software for accessing this document format is available on the VA Viewer Software Page.

Information and Links - Louisville
Local Advisory Panel Public Meeting Announcements and Schedules
  • October 4, 2005 - 10:30 AM to 6:30 PM.
    The Clifton Center.
  • April 29, 2005 - 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
    The Clifton Center.
  • Public Affairs Office and FAC Support:

Stage I Report
Description of Options
Meeting Summaries and Materials
Meeting Agendas
CARES Phase I & II
2004 Secretary's Decision
Congressional Briefings