Volcano Activity (1960-1995)

  • Credit

    NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio

Volcano Activity from 1960 through 1995 (WMS)

This animation is an adaptation of part of a narrated video shown in the HoloGlobe exhibit at the Smithsonain Museum of Natural History and the Earth Today exhibit at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. The red triangles represent volcanic activity over a 36-year span. This animation is meant to be combined with a map of the earth, such as the Blue Marble imagery.

This animation shows global volcano activity from 1960 through 1995. The size of each triangle indicates the strength of the activity of the volcano. Recently active volcanoes are shown in bright red. After a volcano has been inactive for a period of time its symbol fades to a dull red.


  • Sensor

  • Animation ID

  • Video ID

  • Start Timecode

  • End Timecode

  • Animator

    Eric Sokolowsky, Jim Strong, Horace Mitchell
  • Studio

  • Visualization Date

  • Scientist

    Tom Watters (Smithsonian/Air and Space)
  • Datasets

    Volcano Activity
  • Keywords

  • DLESE Subject

    Geology, Natural hazards
  • Georeference Data

    Geographic Projection: Latitude extents -90, 90. Longitude extents -180, 180.
  • Data Date

    1960/01/01 - 1995/12/31
  • Animation Type
