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Office of Tax Analysis

OTA Papers, by Author, R-S

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There are two series of OTA Papers: OTA Working Papers (denoted by WP) and OTA Technical Papers (denoted by TP). If neither WP not TP is indicated, the paper is part are indexed by date and by author.

A |  B |  C |  D |  E |  F |  G |  H |  I |  J |  K |  L |  M |  N |  O |  P |  Q |  R |  S |  T |  U |  V |  W |  X |  Y |  Z |  WP By DATE   TP By DATE  

Randolph, William C

.68: "Measuring Permanent Responses to Capital Gains Changes in Panel Data",PDF icon August 1994, Burman, Leonard E. and William C. Randolph

69: "Dynamic Income, Progressive Taxes, and the Timing of Charitable Contributions" PDF icon, August 1994

70: "Do Repatriation Taxes Matter? Evidence From the Tax Returns of U.S. Multinationals", PDF icon August 1994, Altshuler, Rosanne, T. Scott Newlon, and William C. Randolph

67: "Estimation and Interpretation of Capital Gains Realization Behavior: Evidence From Panel Data", PDF icon May 1989, Auten, Gerald E., Leonard E. Burman, and William C. Randolph

Rebelein, Robert

87: "Who Pays the Individual AMT?" PDF icon, June 2000, Rebelein, Robert and Jerry Tempalski

82: "Defining and Measuring Marriage Penalties and Bonuses" PDF icon, April 1999, Bull, Nicholas, Janet Holtzblatt, James R. Nunns and Robert Rebelein

76: "Does Strategic Behavior Automatically Negate Ricardian Equivalence?PDF icon", June 1998

Rider, Mark 84: "The Effect of Tax-Based Savings Incentives on the Self-Employed" PDF icon, July 1999, Power, Laura and Mark Rider
  77: "Tax Evasion by Small Business" PDF icon, June 1998, Joulfaian, David and Mark Rider
Rollinson, Barbara L. 61: "Recent Issues in Transfer Pricing" PDF icon, November 1988m Rollinson, Barbara L. and Daniel J. Frisch
Rosen, Harvey S. 54: "Housing Tenure, Uncertainty and Taxation" PDF icon, February 1983, Rosen, Harvey S., Kenneth T. Rosen, and Douglas Holtz-Eakin
  21: "Applications of Optimal Tax Theory to Problems in Taxing Families and Individuals" PDF icon, November 1976
  8: "The Optimal Taxation of Commodities and Income" PDF icon, December 1975, Bradford, David F. and Harvey S. Rosen
  54: "Housing Tenure, Uncertainty and Taxation" PDF icon, February 1983, Rosen, Harvey S., Kenneth T. Rosen, and Douglas Holtz-Eakin

Rousslang, Donald J.

97: Measuring a Company’s Foreign Tax Credit Position, PDF icon Henry Louie, Gerald Silverstein, and Donald J. Rousslang
Rudney, Gabriel G. 17: "Incomes Under Low and High Tax Rate Systems: 1929 vs. 1973" PDF icon, September 1976
Russo, Karl 89: Recent Trends in Stock Options,PDF icon Karl Russo, Scott Jaquette, Matthew Knittel
Sheffrin, Steven M. 49: "Taxation and the Sectoral Allocation of Capital in the U.S." PDF icon, June 1981, Cordes, Joseph J. and Steven M. Sheffrin
Short, David E. 15: "The Taxation of Income from Option Writing by Nonresidents" PDF icon, August 1976
Shoven, John B. 9: "The Policy Uses of a Computational General Equilibrium Algorithm" PDF icon, February 1976

Silverstein, Gerald

97: Measuring a Company’s Foreign Tax Credit Position, PDF icon Henry Louie, Gerald Silverstein, and Donald J. Rousslang
Steuerle, C. Eugene 53: "The Taxation of Income Flowing Through Life Insurance Companies" PDF icon, January 1984, Neubig, Thomas and C. Eugene Steuerle
  52: "The Taxation of Income Flowing Through Financial Institutions: General Framework and Summary of Tax Issues" PDF icon, September 1983, Neubig, Thomas and C. Eugene Steuerle
  51: "A Primer on the Efficient Valuation of Fringe Benefits" PDF icon, December 1982
  50: "The Relationship Between Realized Income and Wealth: Report From a Select Sample of Estates Containing Farms or Businesses" PDF icon, December 1982
  48: "Individual Income Taxation 1947-79",PDF iconApril 1981, Steuerle, Eugene and Michael Hartzmark
  42: "Is Income From Capital Subject to Individual Income Taxation?" PDF icon, October 1980
  39: "Equity and the Taxation of Wealth Transfers",PDF iconJuly 1980
  38: "Tax Expenditures for Health Care" PDF icon, April 1979, Steuerle, Eugene and Ronald Hoffman
  37: "Adjusting Depreciation for Price Changes",PDF iconMarch 1979
  24: "Income Averaging: Evidence on Benefits and Utilization" PDF icon, August 1977, Steuerle, Eugene, Richard McHugh, and Emil Sunley
  12: "Distribution Requirements for Foundations",PDF iconMay 1976
Sunley, Emil M., Jr. 24: "Income Averaging: Evidence on Benefits and Utilization" PDF icon, August 1977, Steuerle, Eugene, Richard McHugh, and Emil Sunley
  10: "Tax Neutrality Between Capital Services Provided by Long-Lived and Short-Lived Assets" PDF icon, February 1976


Last Updated: August 1, 2008


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