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Perseus A:
A Monster Galaxy at the Heart of Perseus Cluster

Perseus A
Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/IoA/A.Fabian et al.; Radio: NRAO/VLA/G. Taylor; Optical: NASA/ESA/Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA) & Univ. of Cambridge/IoA/A. Fabian
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The active galaxy NGC 1275 is also a well-known radio source (Perseus A) and a strong emitter of X-rays due to the presence of a black hole in the center of the galaxy. The behemoth also lies at the center of the cluster of galaxies known as the Perseus Cluster. By combining multi-wavelength images into a single composite, the dynamics of the galaxy are more easily visible. Detail and structure from x-ray, optical and radio wavelengths combine for an aesthetically pleasing, but nonetheless violent depiction of events going on at the heart of the galaxy.

Chandra data from the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) covers X-ray energies from 0.3-7keV. Hubble data from the Advanced Camera for Surveys covers optical wavelengths in the red, green and blue. Radio data from NRAO's Very Large Array at 328 MHz was also used. In the composite image, the X-ray data contribute to the soft violet shells around the outside of the center. The pinkish lobes toward the center of the galaxy are from radio frequencies. The radio emission, tracing jets from the black hole, fills the X-ray cavities. Dust lanes, star-forming regions, hydrogen filaments, foreground stars, and background galaxies are contributions from the Hubble optical data.

Fast Facts for Perseus A:
Credit  X-ray: NASA/CXC/IoA/A.Fabian et al.; Radio: NRAO/VLA/G. Taylor; Optical: NASA/ESA/Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA) & Univ. of Cambridge/IoA/A. Fabian
Scale  Image is 3.87 arcmin across.
Category  Groups & Clusters of Galaxies
Coordinates (J2000)  RA 03h 19m 47.60s | Dec +41° 30' 37.00
Constellation  Perseus
Observation Dates  August 08 & 10, 2002
Observation Time  54 hours
Obs. IDs  3209, 4289
Color Code  Energy (X-ray: Violet; Radio: Pink; Optical: Red, Green, Blue)
Instrument  ACIS
Also Known As NGC 1275
References A. Fabian et al. Astro-ph/0510476
Distance Estimate  About 250 million light years
Release Date  August 20, 2008

More Information on Perseus A:
More Images of Perseus A
Perseus A Handout: html | pdf
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Other Chandra Releases for Perseus A:
Photo Album: Perseus A (01 Jun 00)
Related Chandra Images:
Photo Album: Perseus Cluster (01 Dec 05)
Photo Album: MS 0735.6+7421 (05 Jan 05)
Photo Album: Perseus Cluster (09 Sep 03)
More Information on Groups & Clusters of Galaxies:
X-ray Astronomy Field Guide: Groups & Clusters of Galaxies
Questions and Answers: Groups & Clusters of Galaxies
Chandra Images: Groups & Clusters of Galaxies

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Revised: August 20, 2008