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2006 National Veterans Wheelchair Games

Contacts Information

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For more information regarding the 2006 National Veterans Wheelchair Games, please contact:

The 2006 National Veterans Wheelchair Games is hosted by the Alaskan VA Healthcare System and Regional Office and the Northwest Chapter, PVA.  Sponsor by the Department of Veterans Affairs and Paralyzed Veterans of America.

Discount Airline and Tours Contacts:
Airline and tours discount infomation - click here to get more information on discount for the tours and airline fare to Alaska.
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Volunteer Contacts:
For more information and to download a copy of the volunteer registration form, click on the link below:
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Media Contacts:
Kim Byers, VA Public Affairs (734) 761-7824
David Uchic, PVA Communications (202) 416-7667
Nance Larsen, APR, Public Affairs Co-Chair (907) 276-4118
Marcia Hoffman-DeVoe, Public Affairs Co-Chair (907) 257-5460

Kids Day:
Sheila Skipper at or (800) 424-8200 ext. 654

Joe Nguyen, VA National Program and Special Events (202) 273-9446