National Library of Medicine - Medical Subject Headings

2008 MeSH

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MeSH HeadingSermons
Tree NumberV02.070.750
Annotationthis heading is used as a Publication Type; used by catalogers only. The Publication Type FUNERAL SERMONS is also available
Scope NoteWorks consisting of discourses for the purpose of religious instruction or exhortation, especially one based on a text of Scripture and delivered by a member of the clergy, as part of a religious service. (From: Random House Unabridged Dictionary, 2d ed)
History Note2008(1997)
Date of Entry19960621
Unique IDD019523

MeSH Tree Structures

Publication Formats [V02]
   Addresses [V02.070]
Lectures [V02.070.500]
Sermons [V02.070.750]

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