National Library of Medicine - Medical Subject Headings

2008 MeSH

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MeSH HeadingProspectuses
Tree NumberV02.355.775
Annotationpublication type only; for prospectuses as a subject, index under main heading ADVERTISING; not used for indexing; CATALOG: do not use for current materials
Scope NoteWorks consisting of advertisements separately printed and distributed by a publisher to describe and solicit orders for a recent or forthcoming publication. In the case of books, they may include sample pages. (From: ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science, 1983)
History Note2008(1997)
Date of Entry19960621
Unique IDD019527

MeSH Tree Structures

Publication Formats [V02]
   Ephemera [V02.355]
Advertisements [V02.355.249]
Letter [V02.355.374]
Posters [V02.355.500]
Programs [V02.355.750]
Prospectuses [V02.355.775]

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