Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

Management Development Seminar

About the Course

The Management Development Seminar, conducted by the Office of Personnel Management's Management Development Center, provides experienced managers the opportunity to work on dynamic thinking, creativity, and innovative, results-getting implementation by exposing managers to new approaches and processes. The program strengthens the employee's competencies in the areas of creativity/innovation, flexibility, cultural awareness, team building, entrepreneurship, technology management, and influencing/negotiating.

The training requires participants to be away from their position for 2 weeks.

Participant Objectives


Managers at the GS 12-15, WS 14-18, WL 14-15, and O4 to O6 levels.


FY09 dates TBD

Application Procedures

Additional information to be provided in ALCOAST.

To apply:

  1. Coordinate with your Training Officer or ESO to submit an Electronic Training Request (ETR) using Direct Access. Course code: 501362.
  2. Write a statement that describes: (a) Your current leadership responsibilities, and 
    (b) a recent work experience that involved extensive collaboration. 
    1. E-mail the statement as an attachment to
    2. Include the course title and convening date within the subject line of the e-mail.
    3. Include your supervisor in the cc line of the e-mail.

Costs are paid by Coast Guard Headquarters (AFC 56 "C" school account).

Selection Procedures

Selected individuals will be notified by record message traffic of their selection. Alternates will be selected and will attend the program in the event a primary candidate cannot attend.

More Information

See OPM's web site at

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Last Modified 9/15/2008